The consensus on the reaching consensus of the Golden Gate Council of the Taiwan MAC, the chairman of the Taiwan MAC, is led by the government.

According to the China News Agency, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, Chen Binhua, said on Wednesday (July 31) that the basic fact of the "214" malignant collision incident is that the Taiwan Strait patrol staff treat the fishermen of the mainland in a rude way to treat the fishermen of the mainland., Caused the death.Relevant parties in the mainland are highly concerned.Entrusted by the families of the victims, the Jinjiang Red Cross and relevant parties in Taiwan have been contacted and communicated, so that the related matters related to the aftermath can be resolved.

Chen Binhua said that the relevant parties of the mainland have always attached great importance to the protection of fishery resources and the maintenance of the normal order of related waters. In recent years, various measures have been taken to strengthen the production management of fishermen to go to sea.The friendship of compatriots treat each other and set up a Taiwan fishermen's reception point on the coast, providing Taiwan fishing vessels and fishermen with help, supplies, water supply, rescue assistance, etc. "

He saidThe facts of the traditional fishing area operation stopped the mainland fishing vessels and treated the mainland fishermen in a rough and dangerous way to ensure the safety of the lives and property of fishermen.

On February 14 this year, an law enforcement accident occurred. In order to avoid the Taiwan Strait's patrol boats, a mainland fishing boat killed two mainland fishermen.Since then, the two sides have not broken through the deadlock after 15 negotiations. The remains of mainland fishermen are frozen in the Golden Gate funeral home. The fishing boat has been parked in the ninth seas.

The "214" Golden Gate turning case negotiated for more than five months was finally reached consensus on Tuesday (July 30).Details to disclose negotiation details.

Qiu Cuizheng, the chairman of the Taiwan MAC, held a press conference in Taipei on Tuesday afternoon, explaining that the negotiation results said that the incident could reach a consensus.It is possible to achieve consensus in good faith, and then continue to work hard to reach consensus.

As for how the Taiwan government set the cross -strait negotiation model, Qiu Cangzhi said that for more than 30 years, the two sides have been communicating and exchanging opinions through various methods and models.He emphasized that no matter the outside world calls it the two -strait session mode, the Golden Gate model, the Macau model, the transactional consultation, the two sessions, etc., all the focus is that the government is led by the government."" ".