Mainland China will incorporate Taiwanese who have practiced, non -employed and reading in Fujian into the mainland's social security system.

According to the "China Network" report of the media under the mainland China Office, the Fujian Provincial Medical Security Bureau issued a notice on Wednesday (June 5) stating that "will be included in the social security of Taiwan (Fujian) Taiwan compatriots into the mainland's social securitysystem".

Notice that it will participate in the basic medical insurance of Fujian Province, non -employee compatriots, and Taiwanese students who are studying in Fujian, and Taiwanese students studying in Fujian Province in Fujian Province, and implement the policy of participating in the insurance with mainland residents.

The specific content includes the implementation of the basic medical insurance in Fujian compatriots in Fujian and Taiwan, and the application of the medical insurance application of the residential residence permit of Taiwan?Support the incorporation of health insurance points in Fujian -Taiwan medical institutions and optimize medical insurance management services in Fujian and Taiwan compatriots.

The notice stipulates that Taiwanese in Fujian can hold Taiwan resident residence permits, Taiwan residents travel permits (Taiwan compatriots permit) to apply for basic medical insurance participation procedures, support the residence permit onlineApply for the launch of the mainland medical insurance code.