Michael McCaul, chairman of the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, believes that the military exercise of Taiwan shows that Beijing intends to block Taiwan for military blockade. The key is to strengthen Taiwan's deterrence and anti -landing forces.He promised to continue to put pressure on the arms dealers and the US government, asking for weapons to transport Taiwan as soon as possible.

Johnson, Speaker of the House of Representatives, assigned the Republican Party McCord to lead the cross -party members to celebrate the Congress from May 26 to 30, becoming the first US Congress member to visit Taiwan after taking office.The delegation went to the Presidential Palace on Monday (May 26) to meet Lai Qingde in the morning, and then attended a press conference arranged by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan at the Taipei Hotel.

111 secondary military planes appeared in the Taiwan Strait, of which 82 were crossing the Taiwan Strait Middle Line, and 53 other warships and maritime police ships were in the Taiwan Strait.

McCawell pointed out when he met with Lai Qingde that this was a doubtful violence and aggression, indicating that Beijing "had no intention of obtaining Taiwan through peaceful means."

He described that Chinese officials, Russian President Putin and Iran's top leader Hamenei, which is "the alliance of eroding world peace", praised Taiwan to show the toughness to resist the threat of the mainland, and inspired the world with courage.

Lai Qingde said in his speech that he admired the concept of "strength brings peace" in the former US President Reagan, will promote national defense reform, enhance national defense strength, show the world's determination to defend the homeland of Taiwan, and hope that the US Congress will continue to assist Taiwan in Taiwan.Strengthen defense capabilities.

He mentioned that this year is the 45th anniversary of the legislation of the Taiwan Relations Law. Many members of the visiting delegation have recently organized a resolution of hearing and participating in the commemorative memorial bill.Heavy".

In the post -press conference, McCord mentioned that the PLA's military exercise last week was basically a preview of the mainland's military blockade on Taiwan.He emphasized that Taiwan must ensure that there is weapon deterrence, and to show that the risk of invasion will be greater than returns.He believes that the primary focus of Taiwan's defense should be placed in "fish fork" anti -ship missiles and other weapons to prevent the PLA from getting invasion of the island.

For foreign media, the delayed delivery of the US military sales and a total amount of up to 20 billion US dollars (about S $ 27 billion) in the United States., But for Taiwan's demand, "this time is too long."He promised to continue to pressure the defense contractor and the Biden government to accelerate the transportation of defense weapons to Taiwan.

Mao Ning, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said in a regular press conference that day that the relevant US members of the United States did not care about the strong opposition of the Chinese side, insisted on visiting Taiwan, violated the principles of the first China and the three joint communiqués of China and the United States.Taiwan maintains a political commitment to maintain unofficial relations and sends out serious error signals to the split forces of Taiwan independence.China has resolutely opposed this, and has proposed to be seriously negotiated, and it will take necessary measures to resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

McCawell led a group to visit Taiwan for three days last April. At that time, he also said that he would speed up the transportation weapon to Taiwan.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China subsequently announced that he had taken sanctions on him, including prohibiting entry and frozen assets in the mainland, and prohibiting transactions with individual organizations in the mainland.