Tens of thousands of Taiwanese people went to the Legislative Yuan to protest the "black box" legislation in the opposition party and received a positive response from President Lai Qingde.In this regard, the opposition party criticized Lai Qingde to mobilize the masses to intimidate in the wild camp and arouse social confrontation.

Comprehensive reports of the Taiwan Central News Agency, Duan Media and Economic Daily, the Taiwan Legislative Yuan handled the Related Law on the Legislative Yuan's authority proposed by the Kuomintang and the People's Party last Friday (May 24), but the DPP continued to adopt delay tactics in the DPPThe regulations are delayed until Tuesday (May 28) for renewal.

The controversy of the court is that the Kuomintang wants to investigate the Democratic Progressive Party's disadvantages by strengthening the hearing of the Legislative Yuan, but the DPP protests the blue and white procedure black box and the DPP proposal.

On the same day, tens of thousands of pro -green people outside the Taiwan Legislative Yuan protested that the Blue and Baixiang parties tried to "black boxes" pass the bill.According to the Democratic Progressive Party, a total of 100,000 people gathered outside the field that day.

The blue -green and white three parties outside the conference hanging the slogans each, blue and white hanging on "Congress Reform Anti -Corruption Inspection", "Checked Optoelectronics Check Eggs and Checked the Express Sieve"What the party is afraid of "and so on; the DPP responded to" no discussion is not democracy "," anti -expansion of power to support Taiwan "," the reform of Congress to return to the people ", and" anti -black box to support democracy ".

Lai Qingde wrote through Facebook that day that the Legislative Yuan representing the symbol of democracy should stand on the front line to protect democracy. In the case of discussion, he should respect procedural justice and not vote in violation of the law."State power must be separated and balanced. More importantly, the basic rights of the people need to be protected and cannot be violated arbitrarily."

Lai Qingde's statement is considered to support the public protest and attracts the rebound in the opposition party.The Kuomintang Legislative Yuan party summoned Fu Kunzheng on Monday (May 27) that Lai Qingde first affirmed the mass movement and thought that the Legislative Yuan had to have procedural justice, but in the past eight years, the Democratic Progressive Party group crushed through all controversy bills.Is the discussion procedure justice?

Huang Guochang, general calling Huang Guochang, also criticized Lai Qingde and the DPP through false information, intimidation, manufacturing hatred, and operating social opposition to cover up the DPP Legislative Yuan's reform commitment for eight years.Power, this is the political significance behind the DPP operation.

The DPP Legislative Yuan party generally called Ke Jianming to respond that Lai Qingde was at the height of the president and did not want the opposition and the opposition. He hoped that the Legislative Yuan would return to the procedure to deal with, restore the constitutional order, and abide by law and procedure justice.Please don't be hard, shift the focus, and discredit the president.