The World Health Conference refuses to invite Taiwan to participate in the Watchmaker's proposal as an observer.In response, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China responded that a Chinese principle was directed by the people of the international community and asked the "individual country" to stop distorting and challenging the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly No. 2758.

According to CCTV International News Monday (May 27), the 77th World Health Conference held in Geneva recently refused to be included in the agenda.Taiwan proposal.

The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China issued a spokeThe general trend is not allowed to challenge.

For the country that proposes proposals, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized "drum noise to help Taiwan to participate in the political manipulation of the WHO".

Regarding the participation of Taiwan in the WHO, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China said that the channels for communication and cooperation in the technology field of Taiwan to participate in the technology field of WHO are sufficient and unblocked.Essence

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China said, "Taiwan independence and Taiwan's compatriots run counter to the interests", and at the same time warned that "there is no way out of the way."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China also urged that "individual countries" stopped distorting and challenging the decision to Challenge the United University No. 2758, stopped blurring and hollowing out a principle of mainland China, stopped politically for health issues, and stopped interfere with Taiwan issues.The internal affairs of Mainland China also said that "the" Taiwan system "is destined to end with failure."