After the exercise carried out by the mainland Chinese military in Taiwan, the Taiwan Ministry of Defense reported on Monday (May 27) that a total of 21 second military aircraft in mainland China were activated around the Taiwan Strait within 24 hours.

According to the website of the Taiwan Ministry of Defense, from 6 am on Sunday (26th) to Monday 6 am, a total of 21 military aircraft, 11 warships and four marine police ships were found in the mainland.Continue to move around the Taiwan Strait, 10 of which are the mid -line of the Military Aircraft Crossing Strait and its extension lines enter the southwest and southeast airspace in Taiwan's air defense identification area.

According to the report, the main military aircraft entering the Taiwan Air Defense identification zone is only 44 nautical miles (about 81 kilometers) from the southernmost point of Taiwan's island.

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense emphasized that the Taiwan Army used the task machine, ship and shore -setting missile system to closely monitor and respond.

Three days after the new president of Taiwan Lai Qingde, after three days of employment, the Eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army announced on Thursday (23rd) that from May 23 to 24, " Union Sword-20124A "exercise , and emphasized that this is" a serious warning of punishment for independence for Taiwan independence forces, serious warnings to interfere with external forces "" "" "" serious warnings for external forces and provocations "."Essence