In the inauguration speech on May 20, Taiwan's new president Lai Qingde on May 20thIt emphasizes that "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China do not affiliate with each other." It triggered strong dissatisfaction in Beijing and launched a civil aggression against Taiwan.The tension between the two sides of the strait was extended to the entertainment industry. Taiwanese artists developed in the mainland once again fell into the vortex of public opinion, and made a clear expression on the issue of unified independence.

Mainland official media CCTV News Weibo posted on May 22, "" Taiwan independence "is a dead end, the motherland is unstoppable! China will eventually be fully unified."Na and Hou Peizen forwarded and wrote "Taiwan will return to the arms of the motherland."Yang Yanlin, who married mainland singer Li Ronghao, Chen Yanxi, a mainland actor Chen Xiao, and Chen Yanxi, etc., followed up the post the next day.Some Chinese netizens also produced a list of Taiwanese artists' statements or not, named the artists who have been forwarded and unprepared one by one, and obviously pressure the Taiwanese artist to choose the side.

Taiwanese artist Ouyang NanaHou Peizen forwarded the CCTV post, causing many Taiwanese netizens to rebound.(Internet)

According to CCTV report on May 25, 36 well -known Taiwanese artists have reposted CCTV post.

The speech of Taiwanese artists at the mainland concert also made this wave of controverstes burning.Among them, when God sang Axin in May 24th, when he was singing in Beijing's bird's nest on the evening of May 24, he blurted out "We Chinese" and instantly rushed to the hot search.Jolin Tsai, who sang in Nanchang, Jiangxi that night, shouted to the fans, "We are the most enthusiastic in Nanchang, China", and also appeared on the hot search.

This wave of public opinion offensive initiated by the mainland official media has caused many Taiwanese netizens to rebound, and it has also made Taiwan's rare consensus. Criticizing Taiwanese artists to be forced to express under the pressure of Beijing.

The reaction of netizens on both sides of the strait

Taiwanese artists publicly stated on the issue of unified independence last week, causing polarization reactions on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Yang Yanlin, who has been developing on the mainland for many years as an example. After being named by mainland netizens, Yang Yilin spoke on Weibo on Thursday (23), saying that "China will eventually be fully unified, and Taiwan will return to return."The post of the motherland" posting a large number of Chinese netizens in the past, and praised Yang Yanlin as "good!"

Yang Yilin forwarded CCTV post, Cross -strait netizens responded to polarization.(Internet)

Many Taiwanese netizens expressed their uncomfortable and left a message, saying, "Then don't come back there" "People who want to return to themselves."

Taiwanese artists developing in the mainland are increasingly difficult to settle outside the matter. It is not easy to seek neutrality and not to choose from.

After the mainland netizens found that many Taiwanese artists have not yet spoken, they specially produced 63 people in large S, S, Mayday, Jolin Tsai, and Wang Xinling who have not yet expressed their forms.RMB.

Mainland netizens make table name name name nameTaiwanese artists who have not yet expressed their positions.(Internet)

The pressure of Chinese public opinion seems to work. The named Wang Xinling forwarded the People's Daily article on Weibo on May 24 and said that "I am a member of the Chinese nation."

The "Zhou Ziyu Incident" opens the precedent of anti -Taiwan independence in Taiwan

Cross -strait relations began to be turbulent before and after the steps in 2016 in 2016.Consensus "" has caused Beijing to be highly dissatisfied.This has made the situation of Taiwanese artists developing on the mainland increasingly embarrassing and difficult to please with both sides.

Zhou Ziyu, a member of the Korean girl group TWICE, when he participated in the TV show in 2016, he waved the red flag of the Qingtian and white day of the Republic of China.Treasure the tongue of netizens on both sides of the strait.A number of mainland television stations blocked Zhou Ziyu and TWICE's performance, and the mainland mobile phone giant Huawei announced the cancellation of Zhou Ziyu's advertising endorsement.

After the brokerage company publicly apologized twice, Zhou Ziyu, who was only 16 years old, also posted an apology video online.In the video, Zhou Ziyu showed his face with a plain face. He bowed twice and said: "There is only one in China, and the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are integrated. I am always proud of myself as a Chinese."

Zhou Ziyu released an apology video on Taiwan's independence dispute in 2016.(Internet)

When the mainland public opinion believes that Shengtai's independence forces, Taiwanese netizens believe that Zhou Ziyu was bullied and forced to apologize, and also launched a "wearing a national flag to vote" operation.On the eve of the voting of the Taiwan election, thousands of young people changed their decision to abstain and voted, leading to the victory of the green camp and the losing defeat of the blue camp.

With the weakening of mutual trust on both sides of the strait, mainland netizens are becoming more and more sensitive to the issue of unified independence.Taiwanese artist Ouyang Nana was covered in March 2019 by the propaganda photo of the mainland, and was interpreted by netizens as supported by netizens for supporting Taiwan independence because of his father and Kuomintang spokesman Ouyang Long.

Ouyang Nana (left left (left left1) Publicity photo on the mainland was covered in March 2019.(Internet)

Ouyang Nana Studio stated that the position emphasizes that Ouyang Nana is 18 years old and has "independent thinking and will".When she arrived at the hometown of Ji'an, Jiangxi, she always firmly believed that she was Chinese and firmly supported a Chinese principle. "

Ouyang Nana, who became popular in the mainland because of playing cello, starring in idol dramas, also said that he "often asks where are you from? I come from China. (Where do you come from China?)"Essence

When cross -strait relations continue to deteriorate, the mainland CCTV announced in September 2020 to announce the list of the 11th National Day party.The English government launched an investigation and called on Taiwanese to "not participate in related activities and become the Chinese Communist Party's united front model tools."

During the Tokyo Olympics in August 2021, many Taiwanese artists helped their hometown players and were attacked by mainland netizens.Among them, Xu Xizhen (Little S), who has long -term flags of anti -Taiwan independence, is commensurate with "national players" when she helps her hometown player Dai Ziying.Scolding on Weibo.At least four endorsement brands have announced their termination of cooperation with Small S, and their eldest daughter Elly (Elly) performing arts work is also affected.Others because of their hometown players, Cai Yilin and Taiwan's golden songs were also discussed by mainland netizens.

In response to the cross -strait public opinion storms caused by the small S incident, the Taiwan media "Wind Media" issued a corporate review called on mainland netizens to make up the credits quickly, "Do not force artists and Taiwanese businessmen to choose the side to become the political wrestling"Sacrifice".

This article also pointed out that allowing Taiwanese artists to support "one China" as the sole political position in order to survive on the other side. It seems difficult to be too strong, hindering the normal cross -strait entertainment industry exchanges.

Taiwanese artists blocked by the mainland also face the fate of long -term resistance.Taiwanese singer Hebe, during August 2022, was shared on the Internet to share a daily photo of eating Italian noodles during the visit to Taiwan in August 2022. It was questioned by mainland netizens that she supported Italian descent.Tian Yanzhen quickly deleted the photo of the photo, but was still blocked by the mainland.

Hebe (Hebe) 2022In August of the year, I shared a daily photo of eating Italian noodles on the Internet, and was questioned by mainland netizens that she supported Italian Peelsi.(Internet)

After not being invited to perform in the mainland in the past two years, Tian Yanzhen was originally scheduled to go to Tianjin to participate in the music festival in early May this year.Invitation.

The rare consensus of Taiwanese artists becomes a rare consensus on Taiwan.

Facing Beijing's latest wave of public opinion offensives, the three parties of the Taiwan Chao -Oeds who have recently deepened the opposition from the Reform of the Legislative Yuan, which is rare to show the same consistency.Outside position.Wu Siyao, the director of the DPP group, said on Saturday that the operating artist's united front remarks are the old tricks of the mainland and have no new ideas. I believe that the artist is based on political coercion and feels regrettable and reluctant to make united front statements.

The Kuomintang legislator Li Yanxiu also said that the action of the mainland is obviously aimed at Lai Qingde 520 inauguration, but he believes that these behaviors that are forced to express are not helpful for the accumulation of goodwill on both sides of the strait.

Ke Wenzhe, the chairman of the Taiwanese party, posted on Facebook on Saturday, calling on the mainland to respect the acting artists not to destroy the relationship between cross -strait albums in the way of loyalty.The statement of being forced to "assign homework" is not respect, but disgust.

Taiwan People's Party Chairman Ke WenzheSaturday (May 25) posted on Facebook, calling on the mainland to respect the performance artists.(Internet)

Ke Wenzhe also pointed out that the night before the 2016 election, Zhou Ziyu's crying video aroused the anger of young people in Taiwan. It is believed that this was an important factor affecting the results of the election.

Lai Qingde Sunday (May 26) said that Taiwanese artists were forced to make politics, not the first time or the last time.What our cultural worker is talking about is the same thing, but what is more important is what they think in their hearts. "

Taiwan Lai Qingde (Right III.) Sunday (May 26) said that Taiwanese artists were forced to make politics, not for the first time, nor the last time, and called on the people of Taiwan to be considerate of these artists.(Internet)

Xiao Xu Cen, CEO of Ma Ying -jeou Foundation, questioned Lai Qingde, saying that the people on both sides of the strait were Chinese in accordance with the history, nation and the Constitution on both sides of the strait.What needs to be forgiven.

After being forgiven by the Taiwanese officials and the people of the Taiwanese officials

After the PLA ended the military exercise of Taiwan, Lai Qingde also expressed his hope to enhance cross -strait understanding through exchanges and cooperation, and jointly undertake regional stability.Important responsibility.Although Lai Qingde chose to forbearance, there may be pressure from the United States, and there are also considerations that they do not want to further provoke Beijing because of their strength. At the same time, they may also try to show the temperature and height of the president and grasp a rare consensus on the opposition and the field.

When "suffering" is more likely to be understood by the officials and citizens in Taiwan, it is believed that Taiwanese artists who are developing on the mainland, whether sincerely support the unity of both sides of the strait, or out of business interests, will be more confident in the future.The occasion cooperates with Beijing's requirements to express different political stances from Taiwan's pan -green camp.