The chairman of the DPP's local party headquarters ruling in Taiwan will be re -elected. As the former Tsai Ing -wen stepped down and the new president Lai Qingde was in office, the factional territory appeared a new situation in which the British power faded and depended on the growth of the camp, Cai YingwenNor did he appear to vote.

Comprehensive reports of the Taiwan China Times, Central News Agency, etc., the DPP announced the results of the election of the party department of 22 counties and cities on the evening of Sunday (May 26).Reduce one seat to four seats, one party, one seat, four seats in the new trend, a place for democratic water, and three seats in green friendship.

In summary, the three major factions of the new trend, the British, and the Parliament have obtained four seats, but in fact, Lai Qingde's new trend factions, democratic living water, green friendship dominantThe system disappeared and was interpreted by the outside world.

The British Department actively expanded the layout in the last party chairman's election, and won the seven counties and cities such as Taipei City, Tainan City, Yunlin County, Chiayi County, Jinmen County, Hualien County, Taitung County, Flip the original Congress of the county and municipal chairman, becoming the biggest winner.

With Tsai Ing -wen's steps down and Lai Qingde took office, the British department changed the steady route this time. Except for Taipei City's seek re -election, it was only sent to candidates in Taichung City, Chiayi County, and Jinmen County, and finally obtained four seats.

In addition, Tsai Ing -wen did not attend the vote. Liao Yizhen, a member of the New Taipei -Ying Department, said that Cai Yingwen's personality was low -key. In addition, she was not the protagonist this time, and she may not want to take the lead in special arrangements.

The new chairman of the local party department will take the lead in nomination and trading of the 2026 county and city chief and parliamental election. Therefore, this election will determineIn 2026, the county mayor elected the outpost in the party's primary election.

Lai Qingde, who was originally affiliated to the Democratic Progressive Party's largest faction, has withdrawn from faction in January this year, and said that the reason is to objectively promote the national politics and united leadership.

The Democratic Progressive Party also voted on the same day to select 309 representatives of the entire party party, plus 308 party representatives of 308 seats composed of legislators, municipal councilors, party chairman, county mayor, etc.These 617 votes will be re -elected in July of the executive committee and the Chinese judges. This is the main battlefield of power competition within the party.

The Democratic Progressive Party said that after the election of the party on the Taiwan party, the factions will estimate how many party representative votes can be grasped, and it is estimated that the strength of the Central Executive Committee and the Standing Committee of the Central Standing Committee will be estimated.Essence

People insiders say that even if the British strength weakens, other factions have their own internal problems to be resolved.If the legislator Chen Tingfei is determined to fight for the mayor of Tainan 2026, it is bound to return to Zhong often to defend the primary election, but it depends on whether the Zheng Congress can master enough votes to support Chen Tingfei.

People insiders say that another observation point is whether green friendship, democratic live water and new trends can form a new dependent camp.The strength cannot be underestimated.