The Relations of the Legislative Yuan of the Legislative Yuan of the Blue and White Party of Taiwan, under the delay tactics of the DPP, cannot complete the second reading procedure, which is scheduled to be retrial on May 24th and 28th.The Kuomintang called on the DPP not to discuss it again and passed the Reform Act of the Legislative Court as soon as possible.

Comprehensive reports from Taiwan Central Broadcasting Station, Ling Media, and Central News Agency, the Taiwan Legislative Yuan will handle the draft amendments to the Legislative Yuan's authority on Tuesday (May 21) to handle the authority of the Legislative Yuan.

Under the Democratic Progressive Party's cup, the hospital will work overtime until 11:46 at night.After 14.5 hours of voting war, the second reading of the hospital passed 21 articles and a chapter name "exercise of the right to investigate". On May 24th, the court will renew the court to revise the relevant bill of authority the court.

The Kuomintang Party Secretary Hong Mengkai said in an interview after the meeting that Monday ’s hospitals will advance in accordance with the established progress, and all of them are in accordance with the rules of the discussion.The repetitive proposals and votes of the party and the group are annoying, and even the DPP legislators have been allowed to spend timeout.

Hong Mengkai said that some of the proposals of the Legislative Yuan Reform Related Acts are the same.Time, on the one hand, supports the provisions, on the other hand, shouting black boxes.

Hong Mengkai said that the Kuomintang delegation believes that the version of the Democratic Progressive Party group is better, so Blue and Bai unanimously support the Democratic Progressive Party.The group supports the same, this is the persistence of the Kuomintang group.

Hong Mengkai said that on May 24th, the hospital discussed the matters that had been arranged for regenerative medical laws, the long -term local public opinion representative expenses of Guanguan Village, and the village chief affairs subsidy subsidy subsidy.Do not cup the party to discuss the matter, so that the subsequent bills can quickly read it quickly.

In addition, when the Legislative Yuan handled the law on Tuesday, the side door of the Qingdao East Road of the Legislative Yuan gathered more than 40 pro -green civil society groups from the morning to host "the abuse of power, democratic retreat, citizen rescue, and the establishment of the legislature"In action, on -site supporters took the word versions such as "rejecting black boxes", "No discussion, no democracy", and asked the Legislative Yuan to respect the voice of the people.

The organizer said that although Lan Bai has not completed the three -reading and other procedures, it will be reviewed on the 24th and 28th to call for people who care about Taiwan's democracy. In the past two days, they will continue to assemble outside the Legislative Yuan.