The Sadett Sacred Secretary of State Pietro Paralin confessed that after setting up a representative office in mainland China, the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that he would closely pay close attention to the interaction between the Vatican and mainland China, and emphasized that Taiwan and the VaticanThe friendship is deep.

According to Reuters, Parolin said at the first centenary seminar at the first Chinese bishop conference on Tuesday (May 21) that he hopes to set up a permanent representative office in mainland China, and it can be considered that it can be considered for this.Develop a new diplomatic plan.

The Vatican is the only diplomatic country in Europe in Europe. This remark attracted the attention of all walks of life in Taiwan. It is believed that this shows that the relationship between diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the Vatican may change.

In this regard, the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Wednesday (May 22) saying that the department had mastered the convening of the seminar and invited many Chinese churches such as Shen Bin, the bishop of the Chinese Diocese of Mainland China, and other Chinese churches.People attended to commemorate the first Chinese bishop conference in 1924 in Shanghai, which is an issue of academic affairs.

The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that in 1924, the Pope had practical and complete power for the appointment of the bishop of Mainland China, but after a century, the mainland had restrained religious freedom and repeatedly violated the "Vatican appointed temporary temporary Tibetan Tibetan appointment in 2018.Sexual Agreement.

The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that he learned that the Holy See hopes to promote the freedom of belief and rights of Catholics in mainland China, and has repeatedly expressed his hope to dispatch representatives in mainland China, calling on the country to jointly promote the suspension of religious freedom and religious freedom and the freedom of China.Basic human rights.

In response to the recent interaction between Taiwan and the Vatican, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan said that Pope Fang Ji has recently assigned the Holy See Ambassador to the Philippines to serve as a special envoy to attend the new presidential inauguration ceremony in Taiwan;From May 15th to 17th, Shi Wenzhen was invited to attend the "From Climate Crisis to Climate Toughness" international seminar held in the Vatican in the Vatican.

The Taiwan Foreign Ministry emphasized that it will pay close attention to the interaction between the Vatican and mainland China, and continue to promote the core value of cooperation with the Holy See and Catholic Church in the field of humanitarian care, to jointly defend the freedom of religious freedom.Religious freedom made specific contributions.

In addition, in response to the news that the relationship between Taiwan and Fanfan may change, Wu Siyao, the director of the Democratic Progressive Party's Legislative Yuan, described this as a pressure on Taiwan before and after 520 in mainland China.Cognitive operations are greater than possible in the essence. "

Wu Siyao said that Taiwan has long been in response to the relationship between the two parties, and does not need to do too many unnecessary panic for the preset diplomatic strikes of the mainland.