Taiwan's new president Lai Qingde on Monday (May 20) emphasized that after the cross -strait is not affiliated with each other, the Taiwan Affairs Office of China State Council criticized this for two consecutive days and criticized it on Tuesday (21st).Lai Qingde's 520 speech is a downright "Taiwan independence". At the same time, the DPP hooks the external forces to "independence" provocations. The mainland must counter and punish.

Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China Affairs Office, said in a question on Tuesday that the speech of the leaders in Taiwan on Monday is full of hostility and provocation, lies and deception.Promote the so -called "sovereign independence", "cross -strait do not affiliate with each other", "Taiwan resident self -determination" and other division of fallacy, try to ask for external forces to cheer up, try to promote the "internationalization of Taiwan issues", continue to "rely on the independence of foreign minions", "with martial arts independence"It can be described as a complete "Taiwan independence".

Chen Binhua commented on Lai Qingde "the betrayal of the mainstream public opinion on the island, the peaceful and stable destructors of the Taiwan Strait and the region."

Chen Binhua said that the Lai Qingde 520 speech was selling the "two nations" and engaging in "Taiwan independence name", showing that at the beginning of his office, he couldn't wait to reveal the true face of "Taiwan independence"."The mainland and Taiwan belong to the same China, and Taiwan is part of China. This is the real situation of the Taiwan Strait. The leaders of Taiwan not only did not answer the fundamental question of cross -strait relations, but also attempts to change the nature of cross -strait relations. This is the principle of China.Serious provocation "

Chen Binhua said that in his speech, the leaders of Taiwan blown their own" Strategic Location of the First Island Chain ", which is the" Highlight of the World Democracy Chain "" GlobalThe key to the democratic supply chain "Taiwan's Taiwan" is nothing more than wanting to ask for external forces to conspire to "independence" to provoke their provocations, and to act as a "horseman" and "pioneer" for external forces to curb China's development.

Chen Binhua continued to point out that Taiwan's issue is purely in the Chinese internal affairs and cannot interfere with foreign interference."No matter how the leaders in Taiwan are slavery to the outside forces, they are just a 'chess piece'. 'Taiwan independence' is a must, attempting to" leaning for independence "will only eat evil, 'chess pieces' will be" abandonment of abandonment "Son '"

Chen Binhua said," Cross -strait compatriots are Chinese and belong to the Chinese nation. No one wants to realize the unity of the motherland in a peaceful way than us.We must be countermeasures and must be punished. "He said that the leaders in Taiwan instigated the" anti -China -China "mood and attempts to" conspire independence with martial arts ".The situation brings a serious disaster to the majority of Taiwan compatriots.

Chen Binhua also said that mainland residents and students cannot travel to Taiwan and study, which is completely caused by the DPP official.The leaders in Taiwan not only did not change the former, but also gave the premise of "bilateral equivalent" to tourism and attending the "bilateral equivalent"."Where can I promote cross -strait exchanges and exchanges and improve their sincerity in the island?"

Chen Binhua finally said, no matter what Lai Qingde said and how to say, it cannot change Taiwan's status and facts in China., It cannot change the basic pattern and development direction of cross -strait relations, and cannot change the common wishes of compatriots on both sides of the strait to approach to relatives, get more and more pro -relatives, and not to stop the motherland's unified historical trend."The motherland is fully unified, and it must be realized."

When members of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Foreign Minister Meeting on Tuesday, they also clarified the strict position of China on Taiwan.

Wang Yi said that Taiwan's issue is the core of China's core interests.Lai Qingde's ugliness of betraying the nation and the ancestors is unyielding, but no matter how they toss, they cannot stop China that will eventually be fully unified, and Taiwan will return to the embrace of the motherland.All "Taiwan independence" splitors will be nailed to the column of historical shame.

Lai Qingde sworn in on Monday. In his speech, he cited the Constitution of the Republic of China, emphasizing that "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not affiliated with each other."The facts of existence. "On the same day, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of the Mainland criticized Lai Qingde to disregard public opinion, released the dangerous signal of "independence" to provoke "independence", destroy the peaceful and stable Taiwan Strait, and expose the nature of "Taiwan independence workers".