Bloomberg reports that if mainland China attacks Taiwan, there is a way to stop operation of the world's most advanced chip manufacturing machines in Asmore and TSMC.

Bloomberg reported on Tuesday (May 21) quoted sources reported that in the case of the situation after the attack on Taiwan, US government officials had privately expressed concern to Dutch and Taiwanese officials in private.

Sources said that the Dutch government met with Asmore for this matter.Asmore assured Dutch officials that the company has the ability to remotely suspend chip manufacturing machines.The Netherlands has also launched experiments to simulate the situation when the mainland attack Taiwan in order to better evaluate risks.

The above -mentioned chip manufacturing machine is the extremely UV light machine (EUV) produced by Asmore. Asley is also the only one in the world's extremely ultraviolet light machine.

The Netherlands prohibits Asto from selling EUV machines in China because the United States is worried that extremely ultraviolet light machines may allow China to gain advantages in global chip wars.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Trade of Asmore, TSMC, and the Dutch Ministry of Trade all refused to comment.The White House National Security Council, the US Department of Defense and the Ministry of Commerce of the United States have not responded to Bloomberg's comment request issued by Bloomberg.