Wang Xinxian, a specially appointed professor at the East Asia Institute of Taiwan Politburo, said that after the "Xi Mishe" in the United States and the United States, the risk of the Taiwan Strait was relatively controllable, but after a series of changes in the situation in Lu Meitai, the Taiwan Strait risk occurredIt has become more difficult.(Photo by Wen Weizhong)

New President Lai Qingde, Taiwan, delivered an inaugural speech After explaining that cross-strait does not affiliate with each other, Beijing launched a series of tough wording attacks on both sides ofEssenceTaiwan scholars have judged that mainland China must adopt a step -by -step scare, as well as various pressure tools against Taiwan.

Lai Qingde Monday (May 20) In his inauguration, based on the Constitution of the Republic of China, he specifically stated that "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China do not belong to each other."Relative to the former Cai Yingwen, it is called "on the other side" in mainland China. Lai Qingde directly called China and was interpreted as a unique position in the pragmatic Taiwan. Cross -strait relations claimed stronger than the predecessor.

The mainland official media launched a series of offensives on Tuesday (May 21), which directly named Lai Qingde, including the People's Daily pointed out that he was selling a country to sell the "theory of the two countries" and attempts to "lean out of the outside world" and "use the martial arts"Independence", "voted for the name" to the foreign master, took his heart to provoke the evil path of confrontation, and also criticized him to "swallow and deceive, rogue, and pull the flag to be brave."

Xinhua News Agency criticized Lai Qingde's speech "Vicious incitement of cross -strait opposition and confrontation". It is an out -of -the -box "Taiwan independence worker" and a downright "troublemaker".The Global Times criticized his speech with social reviews, and was naked "Taiwan independence" and "Declaration of Taiwan".

At a symposium at the International Research Center of Taiwan Politburo on Tuesday, Ma Zhenkun, a professor at the Institute of Military Affairs of the Communist Party of China of Taiwan National Defense University, evaluated that the mainland's offensive took out all the words that can be scolded.The intensity of scaredness, including the PLA's continued advancement in the sea space around Taiwan, the mainland maritime police ships continued to expand the jurisdiction of the sea area in Kinmen and Matsu, and stepped up the Taiwan Strait step by step.

However, Ma Zhenkun believes that before the November Presidential election in the United States, China and the United States will still have the risk of console.The observation point includes the US missile destroyer through the Taiwan Strait on the 8th of this month. The statement issued by the PLA and the "full -time police instructions" of the PLA appeared low -key, and Beijing was prioritized to improve Sino -US relations.He also expects that the Minister of Defense of China and the United States is expected to talk during the Shangri -La dialogue held in Singapore at the end of this month to conduct substantial discussions on the Taiwan Strait issue.

Wang Xinxian, a special professor of the East Asia Research Institute of Politics, believes that when Chinese officials in mainland China met with former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou in Beijing on April 10, they emphasized that "both sides of the strait belong to the Chinese nation", which is equivalent to a step of Lai Qingde, who is about to be in power.Down.However, Lai Qingde did not respond at all in his speech. Therefore, he believed that the Ministry of Beijing's ministries should be counting the toolbox of the pressure on Taiwan's pressure, including civil aggression, economic and trade sanctions, and legal interpretation of the legal interpretation of cross -strait relations.

U.S. President of Taiwan Association Rosenberg this year many times , the US State Department Asia-Pacific assistant Qing Kangda 4The month Rarely visited the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of the State Council of China .Wang Xinxian pointed out that if this statement is true, it is worth noting that the U.S. State Department has publicly affirmed the content of the speech. If the speech exceeded the tough content that Beijing expected, would Beijing be interpreted as the United States behind his back.

Wang Xinxian pointed out that the lack of mutual trust, a cognitive gap, and pursuit of the lack of mutual trust, a cognitive gap, and pursuing on both sides of the strait are also different. Mutual doubts on both sides of the strait will be the main axis of Lai Qingde's four years in the future.

He said, last year before the end of the US election at the end of this year this year this yearThe Taiwan Strait's risk is relatively controllable.However, after a series of changes in the situation in mainland China, the United States, and Taiwan, the risk of the Taiwan Strait has become more unpredictable.

The latest changes in Lu Meitai he mentioned, in addition to Lai Qingde's inauguration, also include recent factors such as the United States brewing high tariffs on China, accusing the mainland's overcapacity, and official visit to Europe, which have increased Sino -US relations.The uncertainty, which also affects the "small cross -strait" relations under the structure of the Chinese and American structures of the Pacific Ocean.

Scholars of the Symposium on the "520 Relations and Regional Security Outlook" symposium on May 21 on May 21, from the left for Ma Zhenkun, Chen De Sheng, researcher of the National Guan University of Political Science and Congress,Kou Jianwen, director of the Customs Center, Wang Xinxian, deputy director of the State Customs Center, and Zeng Weifeng, assistant researcher.(Photo by Wen Weizhong)