Taiwan's new president Lai Qingde delivered an inaugural speech on Monday (May 20). Former President Ma Ying -jeou responded the next day that Lai Qingde's "new two countries theory" allowed cross -strait relations to immediately face unpredictable risks.And challenge.

Ma Ying -jeou attended a cross -strait relations seminar on Tuesday (21) in the morning that Lai Qingde's inauguration speech yesterday directly showed that "Taiwan is also the name of the country" and "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not affiliated with each other".The "New Two Kingdoms theory" allows cross -strait relations to immediately face unpredictable risks and challenges.Taiwan is now a political and military issue that is widespread in the world, focusing on whether there will be war in the Taiwan Strait.However, there is no communication bridge between the cross -strait governments. The DPP has been in power for eight years, and there has been no dialogue pipeline on both sides of the strait.

Ma Ying -jeou said that during his administration from 2008 to 2016, the two sides of the strait jointly created a peaceful and stable Taiwan Strait situation.Major milestone.His cross -strait policies advocate that "solving disputes in a peaceful way" is the core idea, and "institutionalized negotiation" is a specific method; mutual trust on both sides of the strait is based on the "92 Consensus" reached in November 1992 in the Cross Straits.The content is "the principle of" a China 'on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and its meaning can be expressed by the way of verbally. "

Ma Ying -jeou also said that according to the cross -strait positioning of the "Constitution of the Republic of China", both sides of the strait are not two countries.The key to negotiating with each other on both sides of the strait can be negotiated with each other.

Ma Ying -jeou said that after he stepped down as president in 2016, cross -strait relations began to significantly retreat, and quickly moved towards tension and confrontation.It also rejected the "1992 Consensus" on the common political foundation on both sides of the strait, and could not find a new foundation that could be accepted on the other side, which led to the increasingly dangerous situation of the cross -strait situation than "the most dangerous".

Ma Ying -jeou said that if the two sides of the strait go to war, it does not meet the interests of the people on both sides of the strait, nor does it meet the needs of the long -term development of the Chinese nation.In April this year, he visited the mainland and met with Mr. Xi Jinping, a mainland leader in Beijing, and expressed his hope that both sides would pay attention to the life value and lifestyle cherished by the people, actively avoid war, and use the wisdom of Chinese culture to ensure that cross -strait mutual benefit and win -win.

Ma Ying -jeou said that Xi Jinping responded to his point of view and said that as long as he agrees that he is the Chinese nation and the descendants of Yan and Huang, there is nothing to sit down and talk about the Chinese on both sides of the strait.This is the operational space of Xi Jinping's goodwill to Taiwan and giving President Lai Qingde after taking office.

However, the Taiwan Executive Yuan and the MAC immediately fell back with the poor answer of "the theory of Yanhuang descendants"; President Lai Qingde's inauguration speech yesterday did not have a positive response to the concept of the Chinese nation.It also positions cross -strait relations as the theory of the two countries, ignoring some goodwills that have been accumulated recently between the two sides of the strait.

Ma Ying -jeou said that all disputes between the two sides of the strait must return to the "Constitution of the Republic of China" to find the answer.Therefore, he suggested that the Kuomintang legislators can publicly ask Dean Zhuo to ask Dean Zhuo when facing the first inquiry of the executive dean Zhuo Rongtai: What is the relationship between the "Constitution of the Republic of China"?Is it two countries or two regions that belong to the same country?This is a serious and important issue. I hope that the Lai Qingde government will face it seriously and not to ignore it easily.?

Finally, Ma Ying -jeou asked the people of Taiwan for eight years, and called on President Lai Qingde to read the well -being of the Taiwanese, let go of the ideology, and revise the "new new announcement announced yesterday in work."The two countries theory", "Don't misunderstand the country."At the same time, Lai Qingde also called on Lai Qingde to return to the common history, culture and identity of the Chinese nation, and to start a dialogue with the other side, so that the Taiwan Strait can have a real and peaceful opportunity.