More than 30 members of Japan on Monday (May 20) to Taiwan to participate in Taiwan's new president Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony.The power of power supports the spirit of the four political documents of China and Japan and the promise made by the Japanese side on the issue of Taiwan, and releases extremely wrong political signals.China has resolutely opposed it.At the same time, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in South Korea on Tuesday (21st) on Tuesday (21), members of South Korean Parliament went to Taiwan to attend the Lai Qingde inauguration ceremony to condemn and protest.

According to a press release issued by the Chinese Embassy in Japan, Wu Jianghao said in a keynote speech at the "Taiwan Issue and Sino -Japanese Relations" symposium held at the Chinese Embassy in Japan that day.Since the first day of its establishment, it is a downright "Taiwan independence" split organization.The first part of the Democratic Progressive Party's party is "the establishment of sovereignty independence and independence of the Republic of Taiwan."During the administration of the DPP, he stubbornly insisted on the "Taiwan independence" division, distorted the "1992 Consensus", promoted "de -Chineseization" on the island, engaged in "gradual Taiwan independence", destroyed cross -strait exchanges and cooperation, linking external forces to seek "independence"provocative.Lai Qingde, who came from Chen Shui -bian and Tsai Ing -wen today, was extremely stubborn "Taiwan independence" dead hards.Lai Qingde claimed to be "pragmatic Taiwan independence workers", claiming that no matter what kind of position, he would not change the "Taiwan independence" position.The DPP's continued governance in Taiwan will only destroy the prospects of peace and unity and squeeze the space of peace, which leads to the more complicated and serious situation of cross -strait relations.

Wu Jianghao said that some people in the United States advocated that the so -called "Taiwan status was unreasonable", and even claimed that the UN resolution No. 2758 did not resolve Taiwan's legal status and was unreasonable.The decision to solve the political, legal and procedures, which solves the problem of representative rights including the United Nations, including Taiwan, in China, and clarifies that there is only one China in the world. Taiwan is part of China, not a country.There is only one seat in the United Nations. The government of the People's Republic of China is the only legal representative, and there is no "two China" and "one middle and one".The resolution of the 2758 of the United University to confirm a Chinese principle, which has become the basic criterion for international relations and the general consensus of the international community. It is an obligation that all member states must follow.When China and Japan resumed diplomatic relations, the Japanese government made a solemn commitment to the Chinese principle to the Chinese principle, expressed full understanding and respecting the Chinese government's position on the Taiwan issue, and insisted on following the position 8 of the Potsdam Announcement.relation".China has seriously urged the Japanese government to pay attention to keeping their promises, abide by a Chinese principle, and stop provocatively provoking themselves on the Taiwan issue. It is not allowed to conduct official interaction in disguise under the guise of "Member Diplomacy" and the guise of the people and local exchanges in disguise to break through the existing framework.

Wu Jianghao pointed out that, according to international law, as part of China, Taiwan does not participate in international organizations that can participate in the United Nations and other countries that can only participate in the United Nations and other countries only.Taiwan's participation in WHO activities must be handled in accordance with the principle of China.The Democratic Progressive Party stubbornly insisted on the "Taiwan independence" division of the division, which caused Taiwan to participate in the political foundation of the WHO's conference, and kept itself out of the WHO.Even so, under the premise of a China principle, the Chinese central government has made proper arrangements for Taiwan's participation in global health affairs.The two -way communication channels of Taiwan and the WHO are completely unblocked, and the health rights of the Taiwanese people have been fully guaranteed.The saying that the "geographical gap" and "international epidemic prevention system gap" are not established at all. The Japanese side's participation in the WHO conference is completely out of political planning. Of course, China has resolutely opposed it.

Wu Jianghao also said that some people in Japan continued to disconnect "Taiwan is something that is something in Japan."Threatened "fight for the Taiwan."The Chinese government's policy position on Taiwan's issue has always been consistent, and he is willing to do his best to strive for the prospect of peace and unity, but he never promises to abandon the use of force.This is not targeted at the majority of Taiwan compatriots, but the fundamental ace of deterning "Taiwan independence".The current situation of the Taiwan Strait is heating up. The root cause is that Taiwan "is alone", and external forces manipulate "to make China".

Wu Jianghao asked: Who has illegally sold martial arts against Taiwan for a long time?Who deployed offensive weapons near Taiwan Island?Who uses the so -called "Taiwan's things" to expand the army?The answer is self -explanatory.If Japan tied itself to a Chinese chariot, the Japanese people will be brought into the fire pit.This sentence sounds harsh, but it is necessary to clearly explain, don't say that it is not uncomfortable.In particular, the historical blame of the Japanese side bears the occupation and colonial Taiwan should always be self -examination and be cautious.No one should underestimate the strong determination, determination, and strong ability of the Chinese government and the people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Wu Jianghao finally emphasized that Taiwan's issue is the core of China's core interests and an insurmountable red line.China is the only major country in the world in the world today. It is a complete unity of the motherland. It is the common wish and sacred duty of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and Chinese children at home and abroad.As far as Sino -Japanese relations are concerned, the issue of Taiwan is a major principle problem of the political foundation of the relationship between the two countries. It urges the Japanese to effectively respect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and keep the four political documents of China and Japan and the promise to date.Only abide by a Chinese principle and resolutely oppose "Taiwan independence" is the only way to maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and is the basic guarantee for the healthy development of Sino -Japanese relations.

According to a press release issued by the Chinese Embassy in South Korea, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Korea said that members of Congress such as Zhao Qingtai, South Korea went to Taiwan to attend the Lai Qingde inauguration celebration.The spirit of China and South Korea ’s establishment of diplomatic relations issued a serious error signal to the“ Taiwan independence ”division forces, and run counter to China -Korea’ s strategic partnership.The Chinese side resolutely opposed it, condemned it, and proposed to the South Korean side with a serious protest.

The spokesman said that the Taiwan issue is purely China's internal affairs and is the core of China's core interests.There is only one China in the world. Taiwan is an indiscriminate part of China's territory. The government of the People's Republic of China is the only legal government representing China.Taiwan has never been a country, just a province in China.The Democratic Progressive Party refused to acknowledge the "1992 Consensus" and stubbornly seeking "Taiwan independence".

The spokesman finally emphasized that a Chinese principle is the basic criterion of the international community's universal consensus and international relations, and it is also the prerequisite and foundation for the establishment of diplomatic relations and development relations between China and South Korea.Mainland China has always resolutely opposed South Korea's official exchanges between South Korea and Taiwan.South Korean parliament is a representative of South Korean nationals and has an official nature.China urges the Korean side to abide by a China principle. It shall not interfere in the Chinese internal affairs in any way, and shall not cheer up the split forces of "Taiwan independence" in any way, and maintain the overall situation of China -South Korea relations with practical actions.