Taiwan's new president Lai Qingde issued an inaugural speech on Monday (May 20), which specifically explained that the cross -strait constitution was not affiliated with the Constitution of the Republic of China.Mainland China official media issued a document on Tuesday (21st) Lai Qingde's stubborn position to expose its "Taiwan independence" again, and said that a paper empty text could not deceive the world, and it would only be remembered again on the shame of the traversal of the country.Essence

The People's Daily of Mainland China official media issued a post saying that Lai Qingde made a word in his speech on May 20, selling "theory of the two countries", advocating "cross -strait do not affiliate with each other", filledThe sinister intention of "martial arts alone" once again exposed its stubborn position of "Taiwan independence". A piece of paper could not deceive the world, and it would only remembers again on the shame pillar of the traitor to the country.

The article criticizes Lai Qingde while trying to "independence" with a variety of despicable means, while talking about cross -strait dialogue and communication, it is completely scamming and rogue.Lai Qingdela's big flag gave herself bold, and the purpose of turning black and white, discredit attacks, and charming takeaway stations was to "invest in the name" to the foreign master, that is, to abduct the Taiwanese people to its "Taiwan independence" chariotEssenceWhenever the evil way to provocate confrontation, it is destined to hit the south wall.

The article emphasizes that there is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is part of China. This is historical and legal directors.Lai Qingde turned a deaf ear to Taiwan's historical facts since ancient times. He forgot the history of blood and tears oppressed by colonial rule, and even recognized the thief as his father. Gan Dangdang foreign anti -China forces curbing China's chess pieces.The Democratic Progressive Party stubbornly insisted on the "Taiwan independence" division of the division, refused to acknowledge the "1992 consensus" that reflects the principle of China, blindly engaged in political manipulation, and tried to mislead cognition and deceive the people.

The article said that Lai Qingde ignored the public opinion and moved against the current, released the dangerous signal of "independence" to provoke and destroy the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, not only running counter to the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan, but also to run counter to the fundamental welfare of compatriots on both sides of the strait.Combat with all Chinese children, running counter to the end.The "Taiwan independence" and the peace and fire of the Taiwan Strait are not allowed.What is linked to external forces to "independence" provocation, roughly obstructing restricting the normal exchanges between the two sides of the strait. What the "Taiwan independence" split forces do seriously damage the interests of compatriots on both sides of the strait, and will only push Taiwan to dangerous situations.

The article finally emphasized that no matter how the situation on the island changes, no matter who is in power, it cannot change the fact that both sides of the strait belong to China, and it cannot change the basic pattern and development direction of cross -strait relations."Taiwan independence" split the national righteousness and departs the general trend of the people, and seriously endangers national sovereignty, security, and development interests.In this regard, it will never tolerate, never tolerate, and never listen to it.Anyone who wants to split Taiwan from China will never agree.

The WeChat public account of the "Strait Sea" of the Central Radio and Television Terminal said that Lai Qingde stubbornly insisted on the "Taiwan independence" position in the inauguration speech, promoted the division of fallacy, instigated the opposition between the two sides of the strait, and tried to "rely on leaning on" leaning on"Outside" "alone with martial arts".The article emphasizes that "Taiwan independence" is a way, and Lai Qingde provoked the confrontation to fail.

The article said that Lai Qingde's distortion of cross -strait relations claims that "cross -strait is not affiliated with each other"; incite the people on the island to "in the opposite terror", rendering "mainland military threats";, "Internationalization" in Taiwan is full of "anti -China Anti -China" confrontation thinking.Lai Qingde's "May 20" speech and various signs show that it has no intention of improving cross -strait relations at all, that is, the heart is to destroy the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and delusional "peaceful division."

The article pointed out that Lai Qingde is deceiving the people no matter what guise and fabrication of what to make up, and cannot hide its "independence" nature.The majority of Taiwan compatriots opposed.No matter what Lai Qingde said and how to say, it cannot change the fact that both sides of the strait belong to the same China, and cannot change the basic pattern and development direction of cross -strait relations.Any plot and provocation of "Taiwan independence", in the face of the strong strength of the mainland, hit stones with eggs, and will end in failure.