On Friday (May 17) of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan court (May 17)To deal with the relevant reform bill mentioned in the Blue and White Camp, but in order to snatch the order of the proposal, the fierce physical conflict broke out at the door of the proposal in the morning and severely pushed it.Huang Guochang.In the end, the Kuomintang legislators first captured the podium.

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily News and Liberty Times reported that the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan party group gathered at the door of the parliament at 6 am, to submit the proposal first, and shouted the slogan under the leadership of Fu Kunzheng to allow Taiwan to be able to allow TaiwanIt is more bright, more progressive, and more transparent. The DPP also wants to grab the right to prioritize the proposal.

The Kuomintang group stated that the Legislative Yuan Reform Act has been arranged to the Legislative Court on Friday and is expectedAs the legislator of the party, the party membership committee, as the most serious violent limb movement in history, attacked the legislators in the wild party.

The Kuomintang group said that the most severe condemnation of Taiwan's president Lai Qingde must be given to the President Lai Qingde, and Zheng said that the DPP announced today that the Lai Qingde government, who was taking office, was announced today. "(Legislative Yuan), Lai Qingde must take complete political responsibility for today's violence. "

国民党团还说,他们从星期三上午就已经排队,就是以合乎议事规则的方式进行,但没想到民进党以多数暴力耍流氓插队的方式来制造推挤,让警察、The reporters have been injured in the pushing, and those who initiate violence should be fully responsible.

The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun later issued a statement saying that seeing the situation of the DPP's violence, chaos, and disrupting the rules of discussion in the Legislative Yuan, as the most chairman of the opposition party, he must give severe condemnation, and it must be more needed.The Kuomintang member who supported the generals and worked hard in the Legislative Yuan.

Zhu Lilun said that the DPP obviously still cannot recognize the new public opinion represented by the new Legislative Yuan, and still maintains a rampant behavior, and even anger for his own incompetence, hurting the Kuomintang legislators, reporters and reporters and reporters and reporters and reporters.police.The Democratic Progressive Party not only treated the Kuomintang and the people's party legislators violently, but also hit policemen who maintained order on the front line and reporters who reported the truth."As a political party, the DPP has become a 'violent unable to party'? All the people cannot accept it!"

Zhu Lilun condemned the DPP's abuse of violence and the destruction of the field, and supported it on the front line.The Kuomintang partners who combat and unite, even more supported police colleagues who support the order at the scene and friends and friends who want to report the truth.

Zhu Lilun said: "This occasion of abuse of violence requires your support and the truth of support and extension, but it is also affected by innocent and violent.In the eyes!

Zhu Lilun finally shouted Lai Qingde Lai and the president of Taiwan, Zhuo Rongtai, "Is this your response to the dialogue between the opposition and the field?Is it the democratic demonstration that President Lai Jun saw the democracy to Taiwan in the future?Outside the court caused physical conflict, Guo Guowen took the hand of the people's party group to call Huang Guochang on the spot.

The People's Party pointed out that Taiwan's democratization has been for more than 30 years. The DPP actually wants to obtain the right to send the case with "violence" and "small actions". It is really ashamed of the words "democratic progress".As a responsible party, the people's party has promised pre -election commitments, and in the third reading of the Legislative Court's new period of the National Association, in order to allow the bill to pass smoothly, they went to line in front of the negotiations two days ago.There are "the most serious conflict in history", trying to intimidate the opposition party, and in the early morning, it really does not follow the rules, cut into the line in a violent way to create a scene of pushing a conflict, and the difference in democratic literacy has surpassed the bottom line of civilization."How is it?

The People's Party stated that the DPP has been in power for eight years.There is no work, and the bill that the opposition party wants to promote will be labeled with constitutional labels and obstruct the reform.

The People's Party believes that the people have deep expectations for the new Legislative Yuan, but the DPP is violently facing each other.It should be condemned such a violent act.