The Chinese Embassy in India has criticized Indian media to interview Wu Zhaoxuan, Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is against the principle of China.

The Chinese Embassy in India on Saturday (March 2) posted on the official WeChat public account that an interview with Taiwan Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng was broadcast on Thursday (February 29) in India."Taiwan independence" and false remarks.This is completely unacceptable to violate the principle of China.

A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in India pointed out that the meaning of a Chinese principle is clear and clear, that is, there is only one China in the world, Taiwan is part of China, and the government of the People's Republic of China is the only legal government representing the whole China.Essence

The spokesman emphasized that this is the universal consensus of the international community, a recognized basic criteria for international relations, and forming a part of the international order after World War II.The political foundation of the state establishes and develops diplomatic relations.

The spokesman quoted the official legal opinions of the Legal Affairs Office of the United Nations Secretariat clearly stated that "Taiwan has no independent status as a province in China" and "Taiwan officials do not enjoy any form of government status."In practice, the United Nations uses Taiwan's use of "Taiwan, China,".No matter how the "Taiwan independence" forces distort the facts and advocate "Taiwan independence", the above -mentioned history and legal directors cannot be changed.

A spokesman said that all countries with diplomatic relations with China should firmly fulfill the commitment to adhere to a Chinese principle, which is also the official position of the Indian government.Moreover, India is the earliest recognition of one of the countries in China.

The spokesman also said that China urged the relevant Indian media to adhere to the correct position on issues involving China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, adhere to the principle of China, and do not provide a sound platform for the "Taiwan independence" forces.Avoid wrong signals that violate basic common sense, do not mislead the public.

According to the press release of Taiwan ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday (March 1), Wu Zhaozheng accepted the Indian TV News Channel News X Video on Thursday and talked about the situation in India and the situation in the Taiwan Strait.

In response to the impact of the Russian and Ukraine War and the Baza conflict on the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait and India, Wu Zhaozheng pointed out that the current global situation highlights the opposition between democracy and authoritarian systems.The strategic threats of coercion, mixed warfare and gray areas threatened Taiwan, and also threatened Japan and the Philippines in the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

Wu Zhaozheng said that mainland China also attempts to break through the first island chain, expand its forces to the Pacific region, and sign a security agreement with the Solomon Islands as an example.Pearls) strategic expansion influence.

Wu Zhaozheng emphasized that dictatorship countries have a trend of closer to each other. Therefore, democratic countries have no retreat, and only continue to strengthen cooperation to jointly curb the expansion of authoritarian countries.