日本外交部长上川阳子星期六(1月13On the evening, Congratulations to Lai Qingde was elected as the new Taiwan.

According to Reuters, Kawagawa Yoshiko congratulates Lai Qingde's election and Taiwan's democratic elections in a statement.She said that Japan's expectations of problems around Taiwan can be solved peacefully through dialogue, thereby contributing to the peace and stability of the region.

Statement also reiterated that Taiwan is an extremely important partner and friend for Japan. It has a common basic values ​​with Japan, and has close economic relations and folk exchanges.

2024 Taiwan andThe legislator election ended the vote at 4 pm on Saturday.The DPP candidate Lai Qingde promised when attending the international press conference at 8 o'clock tonight."The constitutional system is not humble or humble, maintaining the status quo .