Taiwan's vice presidential candidate for the DPP President of TaiwanWhen communicating with the media, Xiao Meiqin said that fighting throughout the mainland is not a option for Taiwan, and that maintaining communication on both sides of the Taiwan Strait is the key to alleviating the regional tension.

The Freedom of Reuters and Taiwan reported that Xiao Meiqin made the above statements during the international and Taiwan media tea on Thursday (November 23).

The DPP announced this week that the original Taiwan representative Xiao Meiqin was the deputy of the presidential candidate Lai Qingde to participate in the Taiwan election next year.Lai Qingde is regarded as the popularity of the presidential election next year.

Mainland China regards Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin as "Taiwan independence elements". So far, it has imposed sanctions on Xiao Meiqin twice. The last time was April this year.

Xiao Meiqin said in the tea narrative, "There are many other international friends" are also sanctioned by the mainland, and she will continue to insist on defending Taiwan's democracy and freedom."We reiterate our position, that is, we are always willing to dialogue and are committed to maintaining the status quo."

Xiao Meiqin also said: "It is important that, as we hold the same position as us to maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, we can clearly explain to the leaders across the strait that dialogue is the only way to solve the difference.The war is not an option. "

Aiming at Xi Jinping, the President of Mainland China, Xi Jinping has denied the attack plan in 2027 and 2035.The discussion is sincere and sincere, and sincerely hopes to seek the largest convention with the other side, that is, to maintain the status quo of peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

"Verify '(believe but confirm).We believe in any opportunity to peace, but we must strengthen our own strength so that we can face the opposite side more confident, and to ensure that the Taiwan Strait is peaceful and stable. "