On the occasion of the "Blue and White" card of Taiwan in the wild camp, Huang Shanshan, the president of the party's president, said in the social media, "Ke Wenzhe will fight as the party presidential candidate to the end to the endThis sentence should be very clear! "

Huang Shanshan sent the above posts on Facebook late at night on Wednesday (November 22), and wrote in the message area below the post:" Do anyone understand? "At the same time, she also attached a video of Ke Wenzhe's speech at the Oath Teacher Conference.The video is 22 minutes long, the title is "You, that is, I decide, and to fight for the motivation once."

The People's Party held a oath conference on Sunday (November 19). Ke Wenzhe emphasized at the meeting that he would continue to fight with the status of the Taiwanese party presidential candidate to the end.

On the other hand, for the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi proposed to re -determine the nine polls, Huang Shanshan led two poll experts on Wednesday morning to hold a press conference, proposed that there were three or because there were nine polls or no causeSample structures and representativeness, or passive and randomness that must be possessed because of not matching polls.

She said that this is not a matter of personal good or evil. Experts have spent five hours discussing on November 17, and re -broadcasting again will only expand the supporters' disputes. It is not a good way.

The Kuomintang and the People's Party negotiated on Wednesday (November 15th) to determine the candidate of the President and Vice President of the President and Vice, but the two parties have different perceptions of the computing method of the polls.Hou Youyi won, the latter believed that 3: 3 draws, and the cooperation between the two sides was on the verge of breaking the situation.