The DPP presidential candidate Lai Qingde officially announced on Monday (November 20) that his vice president's partner was Xiao Meiqin, a representative of Taiwan in the United States.Lai Xiao with the first registration on Tuesday (21st), and the deputy of the two parties in the wild blue and white has not yet been finalized.If Lan and Baihe broke the situation this week, Lai Xiao is highly optimistic that it can continue the DPP's ruling power.

On January 13 next year, the presidential and legislators elections will be held on January 13th.Receive it.

The blue and white of the Kuomintang (blue) and the people's party (white) once again ended in the bureau. Lai Qingde, who was originally threatened, seemed easy.He revealed at a press conference at the campaign headquarters that when Xiao Meiqin promised to be a deputy, he asked to announce it at the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) meeting.He calculated that it would be dragged until November 20th, I am afraid it is the last group of all party recommended candidates.Essence

Lai Qingde praised Xiao Meiqin many times to challenge the difficult constituencies and cultivated in Hualien for 10 years; served as a representative of the United States for three years and four months, and the degree of mutual trust in Taiwan -US relations was the best in the history of the degree of mutual trust.

He said that in the face of the threat of mainland China, Taiwan needs to be stable and experienced, and adhere to the path of democracy, peace and prosperity.He claimed that Lai Xiao had "will lead the country steadily" and firmly followed the right way.

Xiao Meiqin also announced in his speech, "For our country, I will go away (Taiwanese, referring to devotion)."She mentioned that in the past few years, "listing in Taiwan" in the United States is the task given her by Cai Yingwen, describing her to deal with diplomacy such as "fighting cats", sometimes soft but firm, and maintains balance in a complex strategic environment.

She said that now Lai Qingde hopes that she will take a greater responsibility for protecting the democratic value of Taiwan from the grass -roots, central to international experience.After she was caught in a long exam, she decided to accept the challenges of more difficult.

Faced with the "Democratic Progressive Party" and efforts to promote "blue and white" in the opposition party, the DPP recently responded to the slogan of "listing Taiwan" and "All Nations".

Xiao Meiqin has resigned on Monday morning to resign from the US representative, and Lai Xiao accompanies on Tuesday.Xiao Meiqin is a friend of Tsai Ing -wen and a fluent in English and American mixed race.According to the Democratic Promotion of the Democratic Progressive Party, she will help Lai Qingde to attract British fans, women and youth votes, and enhance mutual trust with the United States and the international community.

Kuomintang: Lai Xiao has pushed Taiwan to the edge of the war

The Kuomintang issued a press release to criticize that Lai Qingde's trust in international trust went bankrupt, and "Taiwan independence Jin Sun" did not go. Xiao Meiqin was at most Tsai Ing -wen's "supervisor", inheriting Cai Yingwen's wrong line, Lai Xiao accompaniedIt may accelerate Taiwan to the edge of the war.

The Democratic Progressive Party refuted that the Kuomintang discredited Lai Qingde as the "Slogan of the Chinese (Mainland) United Front". It advised the Kuomintang to not be able to corrupt first, and should pay attention to their internal and external problems.

Whether Lai Xiao can ride lightly, the key is still success or failure in the field.After the people's party chairman Ke Wenzhe announced on Sunday (19th) that he would definitely "fight to the end" as the candidate of the party's presidential candidate. When he was questioned on Monday, he agreed to decide whether to integrate before Wednesday (22).However, he insisted that if he wants to integrate in the wild, he must run with the strongest team, which means that if the blue and white will be deadlocked, they will soon announce their own operations.