Singapore's fourth prime minister Huang Xuncai A lot of things include: Move into the new office , indicates that the registered registered registered voter register , Visit Brunei and Malaysia , , A href = "About:/News/Singapore/Story20240621-3959711" target = _blank> Witness the enlightenment of the fourth stage of Tangdong Line , For the first time with the Prime Minister, I dialogue with the youth , receiving foreign representatives such as US Secretary of State Brosky, and publishing his first .National Day presence and National Day Mass Congress .

Three fires in the new official, describing people when they first appoint their new positions, they often take a series of active actions to show their ability and determination and strive to be good.However, we see from the experience of other countries that sometimes, although this "three fires" burned are not necessarily lasting.How to properly grasp the timing and strength of these actions and test political wisdom.

Because of this, the new national leaders' words and deeds in the first 100 days, and even the sports shoes brands they wear will be enlarged.This is because, whether they do what they do or do in this hundred days, they will become an indicator for the outside world to evaluate their political smell, judgment and execution.

Only 100 days after taking over, Premier Huang has been on three important occasions -inauguration speeches, National Day Mass Congress and a 100 -day press conference — explaining his vision to Singapore: A Singapore that everyone can realize dreams of dreams can be realized.And these dreams are not limited to material success.He also emphasized the "major restart" of policies and attitudes, and announced several far -reaching policy adjustments, including skill creation future job assistance plans, additional 10 weeks of parents shared maternity leave, and renewal high -talented education programs.

These adjustments are not coming out of thin air, but the fruits of the "Singapore Journey to the Movement of Singapore" that he started during his time as Vice Premier.Premier Huang has been in charge of the Ministry of Social Qing Dynasty, the Ministry of National Development, and the Ministry of Finance, which is still in charge of it, and co -leading the government's anti -epidemic inter -departmental working group. Therefore, he has accumulated rich experience in solving domestic pain points and communicating with the people.This is where he can play his own advantage, and believes that it is also the field he is most confident.

In other countries, such a performance may be enough to make a good score for 100 days.However, due to the inherent fragility of Singapore, the expectations of leaders are not limited to effective governance, but also include the influence of projection and maintenance on the international stage.Singapore can establish the current international reputation. In addition to the behind -the -scenes efforts of diplomats, it also benefits from the strategic wisdom of successive leaders in handling geopolitical issues.

Although Premier Huang has many opportunities to speak to the whole people in the first 100 days, and also mentioned an increasingly severe external environment, it did not explain his evaluation of the current international situation and what Singapore could take.road.Perhaps he also realized the attention of the outside world. Therefore, at the press conference of the last 100 days, he did not wait for a reporter to ask questions, and he took the initiative to say that he would find the opportunity to explain the foreign policy and the external environment to the Singaporeans.

Some people may say that Huang Xuncai has delivered speeches when he is the deputy prime minister's political issue, and you don't have to rush to make a statement.However, the prime minister's identity itself gives a greater weight and authority.As the core spokesman of the country.The Prime Minister's speech can convey a higher level of policy intention and strategic direction, which helps to consolidate the confidence of the people, and can clarify Singapore's position and decision -making.

Especially in the context of the current geopolitical tension, the international community pays special attention to Singapore's attitude and policy direction.As Western proverbs say: "Be at the Table Or Be on The Menu".To avoid Singapore's fish, Singapore leaders must actively express their views on international affairs under the premise of proper grasping in order to maintain their initiative and influence on the international stage.

(the author is a senior manager of the Chinese Media Group's regional strategy and cooperation)