Recently, a violent social turmoil in Bangladesh in South Asian countries has continued for many days. Hundreds of people have died, the prime ministers leave, the parliament is dissolved, the transition government is established, and the next national election is planning.This is a very serious political event together, but it seems that it does not attract too much attention from the international community, and may even attract attention as if it is not as good as the Paris Olympic Games;More than Russia and Japan.A severe turbulence in countries with a scale of 100 million populations have caused the abnormal change of the original government under the condition of large -scale casualties. No matter what, it has extraordinary significance.

There are about 15 countries with a population of over 100 million in the world today (including Vietnam, which may meet the standards), even if domestic and non -rehearsal in China such as Nigeria, Pakistan and other China, such sudden turbulence such as Bangladesh and directlyAs a result, the government's heads have not gone away.The situation of Bangladesh's occurrence this time is more like what happened in Sri Lanka, South Asian countries in 2022. Only more than 20 million people in Sri Lanka had riots and regime change at the time.The Jaraksa brothers were not severely punished.If the situation of Sri Lanka is turbulent and the small country has a certain reference to the significance, the changes in the situation in Bangladesh will have a certain enlightenment role in the large country, especially a large country with a large population.

The first is the level of policy formulation. It is easy for decision makers to ignore certain groups of many people, which leads to turbulence in the situation.The turmoil of Bangladesh lies in the reorganization of the "Civil Service Quota System". This method leaves 30 % of government positions to the so -called "free warrior" and related personnel. Obviously, more young people who are facing great unemployment pressures are not consideredThe group caused their anger and protest, and then discussed the government's long -term bureaucracy and corruption, which caused the situation today.The more population, the more complicated the composition. Each group has huge mobilization forces; if the policy makers cannot carefully take care of each group and do a good job of investigation and communication, it is very easy to cause large -scale riots.

The second is about crisis response strategies. Any society may have the possibility of protests such as demonstrations at any time. I believe that each government has a series of strategic solutions to deal with it, but the use of force should definitely be the last means, and it must be considered to considerTo the nature, performance, scale and other factors of protest groups.Bangladesh's turbulence, in the early days, faced the protest group with students as the main body. It is a protest and dissatisfaction with specific policies. As long as there is no malignant criminal act, you should not use force,

But the Bangladesh government prematurely led the army to use the military police for force, and caused hundreds of people to die, and countless injuries.This approach not only failed to disassemble against the protest, but immediately triggered the addition of other social groups. The advantages of the population scale became huge pressure on the government, and directly formed a crisis of dislocation of the government.Fundamental limitations.This was originally a crisis that can be eased by recovering. It was just by the crisis of the Bangladesh Hascani government, intensified into anti -government demonstrations, and caused its own collapse. It was really arrogant and incompetent.They should refer to the large -scale riots that broke out in the UK during the same period. Although they are also fierce, no reports of people have seen people died so far.

Third, the ability to grasp the contradictions in the fields of economy, people's livelihood, religion.This is the basic ability that the government should have, grasping the main contradiction of society, and targeting the right medicine to ensure the long -term security of the country.

The more population, the more complicated the contradictions in all aspects, the higher the requirements for grasping the main contradictions.The Bangladesh government has realized the pressure of economic downturn and unemployment rates, and it is also mixed with the contradiction between the party and religion.In order to keep her power and status, the Hasan government used to attract the military police and other power departments to escort themselves.Because the root cause of this kind of contradiction is in economic development, there is no solution to the problem solving the problem that the people recognize, but to protect their rights and interests by a small number of power groups, it will only shape more enemies.Pushed to the opposite of the people.For any individual or group, if it cannot resolve the main contradictions of society, how can it keep the governing status.

Fourth, the problems of cities, population and young students. This is a technical problem that must be faced in the development process.The modern development process of almost all countries has gone through the stage of urbanization. The cities have gathered more and more population, and they have accumulated a lot of resources, wealth, and knowledge. Among them, the most active and impulsive young students group of thoughts are also among them.When social healthy develops, these people are positive factor in providing vitality and innovation; when social development encounters obstacles, these people will become turbulent gunpowder barrels.

The turmoil of Bangladesh is derived from the launch and promotion of the city student group, which is amazingly consistent with the almost all modern revolution models.In countries with a huge population, such turbulence or revolution may be difficult to rise nationwide at the same time. Usually only a few major cities appear, which is enough to cause disruptive effects.In fact, Bangladesh's turbulence only happened in several cities, especially in the fierce turbulence of the capital, causing the consequences in front of the eyes.Perhaps it is foreseeable that in the future, such turbulence may not have to have a nationwide response, and it can be realized by launching major groups in major cities.This puts forward higher requirements for the work of realistic urban governance, student movement.

The temporary transition government of Bangladesh has been established, led by the well -known Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yusus, it seems that the situation will gradually become stable, but stability does not represent the solution of the problem.The follow -up policy is yet to be introduced.For the external world, the turmoil of this billion -level population should pay enough attention and get enough inspiration from it.

(The author is Yangzhou current affairs commentator)