Source: China News Agency

According to the latest China News Weekly report under China News Agency, a professional adjustment of Chinese universities seriously "the largest in history".According to official documents, by 2025, it will be optimized and adjusted about 20%of colleges and universities.

In March of this year, the Ministry of Education of China announced the results of the record and approval of undergraduate majors in general colleges and universities in 2023. The addition, revocation, and adjustment of the undergraduate major involved 3389 professional cloth points, which is the largest in history.As of the end of August, more than 20 universities have planned to suspend some undergraduate majors in 2024, involving more than 100 majors.

Huihui is an English teacher in a public second -run college in Jiangsu.From her April she learned that the English Department stopped this year to the "boots" to land, only a few days before and after, all teachers were transferred to the public basic teaching department.

Among the new majors, the popular artificial intelligence majors in recent years have been controversial.As of now, more than 500 colleges and universities in China have been approved to open the major, including "double non -first -class universities, non -first -class disciplines), colleges and universities.

On the one hand, various research reports have continuously exported information to the public that "the total gap in the field of artificial intelligence is as high as 5 million, and the average monthly salary list of artificial intelligence engineers first listed in the list of professional compensation list".On the other hand, the phenomenon of uneven cold and cold in the talent market is very prominent.Several people interviewed by the local education department revealed that the artificial intelligence majors who graduated from local ordinary colleges and universities have not satisfactory for employment and employment in the past two years.

Due to the excessive competition between homogeneity between colleges and universities, two of the more than 10 new artificial intelligence majors in southern provinces have stopped recruitment.

In the province, integrated circuit design and integrated system majors are also facing difficulties.The existing discipline resources in colleges and universities cannot support the construction of a high -end major. Among the two new private universities in the province, one will be stopped for one year.

Lin Jian, the head of the subject of engineering education at Tsinghua University, pointed out that in this round of major adjustments, colleges and universities should be alert to two tendencies: quick success and self -measure.Facing the future, analyze some "popular" professional market demand from a long -term perspective. "At least five years after five years", we must combine the school's own deficiency and advantages to comprehensively consider the positioning and service of colleges and universities.

Another problem has aroused the attention of academic circles -after the traditional engineering professional title "intelligence" or "intelligence", is it really smarter?

A master's degree in civil engineering of a "double first -class" university said that the core courses of many universities' intelligent construction majors are still the "that set" of traditional civil engineering, and the teaching teacher is also the original group.Computer classes have failed to integrate well with professional knowledge. Students do not understand, and the burden of schoolwork is greatly aggravated. "

A few months left in 2025, the professional adjustment of colleges and universities has entered the sprint stage.

The Deputy Director of the Professional Setting and Teaching Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education, Wu Daguang pointed out to China News Weekly that the professional adjustment of colleges and universities is not a simple "cut" and "increase" problem, but in an organized manner.The curriculum structure and the systematic reconstruction of the teachers are essentially a incision that promotes the reform of the talent training system throughout the Chinese university.

Zhou Guangli, the dean of the School of Education of Renmin University of China and the executive director of the Evaluation and Research Center, is most worried that the current trend of "targeting humanities and social sciences" has appeared. Some of the motivations are indeed considering professional aging, and some of them are considered "Liberal arts are useless. "He suggested that the adjustment of disciplines should be based on demand -side reforms, supplemented by supply -side reforms, and establish a systematic dynamic evaluation mechanism within colleges and universities.