On August 9th, when Singapore celebrated National Day, Bangladesh's Muslim missionary Amir, which was associated with the Caidda terrorist organization, sneaked into Singapore and preached extreme religious thoughts in the guest dormitory of the priest.He left Singapore the next day.Three days later, some netizens uploaded the video of the day's speech and pointed out: "Extreme missionaries from Bangladesh, who entered Singapore on the National Day, not only did not find it, but also gave a speech to hundreds of guest workers, which is worrying." Amir is the soul of the Bangladesh Islamic auxiliary of Bangladesh.He was arrested by the Bangladesh government in 2021 for advocating violence and was released on bail in December 2023.In his speech in the dormitory of the Grand School, he said that non -Muslims were "pagans" and regarded extremists as a model of religious piety.

Minister of the Interior and Minister of Justice Shang Morgan revealed that the internal security bureau had previously grasped Amir's background and information, but the passports he used at the time of entry and the name of the Singapore database were different, and there was no biological certification information.He said that Singapore will review relevant entry procedures, but it shows that Singapore must also ensure that passengers get friendly services at the airport while preventing the flow of Amir.

Singapore is an open international city, and the number of customs clearance from the sea, land and air clearance is large.Immigration and levels must find balance in both border security and customs clearance efficiency.Although there are severe measures in Singapore to control illegal entry and overdue retention, the incidents of Bai Mi Yishu have heard of it.

In August 2023, Singapore cracked a money laundering case involving more than 3 billion yuan.According to reports, this gang has settled in Singapore in 2017.After a long and tight investigation, the police arrested 10 people, but many people involved had fled Singapore before the police started the operation.

On the other hand, between June and August of this year, 10 criminal theft occurred in the local high -end private house area, involving a total value of about 3.85 million yuan.Police investigations showed that thieves were criminal gangs from China. They entered the country a day or two a day or two and quickly left the country after the case.Police are still tracking the whereabouts of 14 people involved.

Amir has sneaked into Singapore to promote extremist ideas, which may cause radicals of local guest workers, and to form a potential security threat to Singapore's religious harmony and the community.At the end of 2015, the Inner Security Bureau arrested 27 radical Bangladesh and sent them back to China.Since 2015, about 40 Bangladesh customers have been investigated.Compared with the local 200,000 Bangladesh, it is a small number, but the risk of radicals of guest workers should not be underestimated.

A sensation in the international 3 billion yuan in money laundering cases defile the reputation of Singapore's financial center.Those involved in the case can eat incense and drinking in Singapore for many years, and buy real estate, luxury cars and brand -name bags, making Singapore's stigma on the money laundering paradise.On the other hand, cross -border criminal gangs broke the door in the luxury residential area, and there was no shadow to go, causing local residents to be disturbed.Those who do the case quickly enter and leave the country, making people worry about border management and control.

In addition to the control of entry and departure, immigrants and levels and police launch examples often to prevent criminals from scanning operations, and often find illegal or overdue residents.Statistics of immigration and levels show that 542 people were arrested in 2023, an increase of 52%over 357 in 2022.Even so, this may be just the tip of the iceberg.Among them, some of them enter the country through social access permits, and work illegally in local; some are working on a student ID to work and rescue locally.They are easily controlled by illegal gangs.

Immigration and levels are the first line of defense of border security and the last line of defense.In terms of controlling the entry and outbound of passengers, it has a long way to go.On the one hand, it needs to continuously improve the efficiency of customs clearance to promote the development of the economy; on the other hand, it needs to prevent illegal sneaking into Singapore cases or shelters to ensure the safety and reputation of the country.

To improve the security of the border, in addition to immigration and level bureau, related law enforcement agencies include the Internal Security Bureau, the Ministry of Human Man, and the Financial Administration.get away.Singapore must send clear signals to illegal people through severe law enforcement actions: those who commit crimes in this island country, engage in illegal or threatened Singapore's security must pay a heavy price.