In the past week, a violent conflict that has evolved into many white demonstrations in England has evolved. The reason is that a suspected immigrant. On July 29, a knife was murderer at the occasion of a school child, causing three girls to die and 10 injuries.The white community pointed his finger to Muslim immigrants from Africa and South Asia, and the anger quickly ignited.White demonstrations conflict with the police in many places, set fire to the car, attack the church, and so on.The new Labor Prime Minister Starmer, who was new for a month, was tough. The qualitative incident was a strong right -wing -organized anti -immigrant riot. Hundreds of people have been arrested so far.However, mainstream public opinion has not actively faced the deep background of the incident, that is, a radical immigration policy has led to racial religion and cultural conflicts for many years, and it has been brewing increasingly deeper contradictions.In order to avoid being accused of discriminating with the correct reasons of discrimination with Muslim immigrants, local political elites and mainstream public opinion adopt an avoidance attitude, which may mean that greater social conflicts and polarization tear are inevitable.

The judge who had a case holding a knife in an emergency trial, specially decided to disclose the 17 -year -old suspected murder.He was the son of immigrants born in the UK and may be Christians.This was originally eliminated by "Muslim killing white people", but the facts could not keep up with the speed of rumors, and the conflict has blossomed.The anti -immigrants' extremely right -wingers quickly mobilized through social media after the incident, and the psychological psychology of "fear of fear" played a wide range of effects.The conflict has spread to many cities such as Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Frozen three feet, the contradiction between religion and ethnic groups has intensified in the UK in recent years.Since the Harbin conflict, large -scale Muslim parade has appeared in cities such as London, high -profile waving the banner of Muslim and Palestinian flags, and deepening the resentment of white Christians.Several big cities such as the white population in London are no longer the majority, making the extreme right -wing promotion, which is easier to resonate with uneasy white people.Although according to the British government data, the London Muslims accounted for about 15%, and the social media claimed that London had made a lot of information on Muslim, but Muslims had high -profile on the streets and even occupied the publicly held religious rituals in public places.White people are regarded as provocative.This situation can be traced back to the blind worship of Western left -wing ideas for decades. Political elites are not willing to be accused of racism and follow the "spirit of the times", but ignore the sensitivity of ethnic and religious topics.

After the Labor Party came to power, the Conservative Government was abolishing the decision to send illegal immigrants to Rwanda, but the emotions of illegal immigrants from the people had been brewing for a long time.In the past few years, the British net outflow population has repeatedly reached a record high. After the former Prime Minister Sonak announced on the July 4th election, the official immediately announced that the net flow in 2023 fell by 10%year -on -year. It is obvious that this is a major issue of the election.

40 % of the people who moved to the United Kingdom last year came from India and Nigeria.Macro -in -religious immigrants with a large -scale religious culture lack an effective promotion mechanism, which is the main reason for the continuous deepening of British society's contradictions.Starmo vowed to deal with the right -wing thugs, but ignored the social psychology behind the riots, and I am afraid it would not help eliminate the root cause of social tear and future or continuous turmoil.In addition, the British finances have long been embarrassed and unable to maintain effective local public security. Folk contradictions cannot be dealt with in time, accumulating people's grievances, and some court courts have even closed due to financial contraction.Judicial justice lags, providing a hotbed for extremism.

The social turmoil that has not subsided in the UK has brought a few profound lessons for Singapore, which is the same multicultural.I. Singapore has been questioned when promoting network fake information and network manipulation laws (POFMA). From now on international experience, preventing the legal means of fake information is a necessary condition for effective governance in the era of social media.2. At present, the government maintains transparency as soon as possible, which helps the whole society to master the information that eliminate misunderstandings.3. Government affairs must always maintain all kinds of colleagues, and cannot create dual standards based on ideology.Fourth, multi -society must emphasize basic common value and avoid violent conflicts caused by tribalism.

Harmony of ethnic groups is not a matter of nature, and diverseism is right, but even if the new Malaysia has a hundred -year -old multi -ethnic community, it also needs to maintain harmony with political sensitivity.The British political parties are indulge in fighting, and they lack awareness of possible national dilemma. The evil and extremism of human nature may have a profound impact. This is also a challenge of many European countries.The Labor government must think about how to achieve strong and balanced governance, and gradually solve the deep problems of this ancient democratic country.