After the British Labor Party won the July 4th election, it has 411 seats (a total of 650 seats in the house).(418 seats) There are only seven seats gaps.

But at this time it was not that time.In 1997, the Workers' Party was at a loss. At that time, Russia and China had good associated with the West. The democratic world was prosperous, the economy was good, and the global economic integration momentum was flourishing.After 27 years, China's economic strength has risen rapidly and has begun to challenge the world leadership of the United States. China's leading global south has began to have guts and western screams; global economic integration has begun to decapitrate and break back; Russia attack Ukraine; Hamas; Hamas;Edge Israel's retaliation counterattack from Israel to this day.Various events are temporarily isolated or staggered, and it seems to only wait for an accidental upgrade to intensify in the future.

The new Prime Minister of the Labor Party inherited the British in the context.The people here, especially the people of the left, eagerly pursue love and peace, oppose the war, and it seems that future democracy will be a Ma Pingchuan; they have no concept of international politics and have no interest.This can be regarded as the sight of the strong, and it can also be understood as the unknown things living in the ivory tower.Only the result of the future Chinese and American hegemony can find the final annotation for the current "transcendence" vision of the British.

One month in reign, Stammer is still at the peak of power and has an irresistible right to formulate.On July 23, seven Labor members "rebelled" and voted in the amendment to the upper limit of the welfare welfare of two children, opposing the government government and being suspended for six months by Stammer.Without these seven members, most of the seats in the house in the house are still as high as 167.In other words, the Labor Party will lose its dominance in the House of Commons.

Nevertheless, Stammer's pressure comes from all directions: economic construction, how to prepare for war that may occur in the future, illegal immigration, increased domestic right -wing forces, green transformation, housing construction, medical services, other various welfare construction, etc.EssenceThe unimportant diplomatic relations in the election have not been ignored in the actual operation of the government.

Start the Repair with the EU

For China, British society has so far understood Chinese challenges and even threats from an economic perspective; most people in China are social elites from geopolitical perspectives, and they do not account for the majority of Britain.Stammer regards economic construction as a top major event, so British -China relations remain unmoved for the time being.

For Russia, the Labor government continues the last conservative party's route, firmly supports Ukraine, and continues to stand in the United States and NATO.However, the positioning of the latter two is greatly affected by the US election, so it is unstable. In addition, economic construction is the prerequisite for economic and military aid to support Ukraine, so the commitment is also constrained by the future economy.

After Brexit, the relationship between British Prime Minister Johnson and the EU government has fallen thousands of feet, and trust is no longer.Former Prime Minister Sonak tried to repair, but it was not good.After Stammer's inauguration, he also wanted to repair relations with the European Union. The opportunity to succeed would be higher than that of the Conservative Party, because the Labor Party did not dominate Brexit, and even most people supported to stay in Europe.On July 18, Stammer hosted a European political community meeting at Oxford Brenheim Palace at the place of birth of the former Prime Minister Churchill, thereby starting to restore the relationship with the European Union.

The support of Palestinian parades held in London every Saturday, which began last year, has been continuous. Organizers have arranged businesses every week to send supporters from various places to London.Last Saturday, I watched the parade in London. The number of teams declined significantly. Police who maintained order were far from "waiting for".Stammer's treatment of Israel and Palestine basically retain the previous government attitude.This is not an important matter at present, and the parade cannot affect its policy.

The first news broke out by the new government was. Because of the incompetence of the last conservative party government, the prison system was overcrowded. The new prison plan was planned to be completed on time.Essence

Angela Reina, the deputy Prime Minister in charge of the housing, has announced the comprehensive reform plan of the Rules of England to help realize a commitment to the Labor Party by 2029 to build 1.5 million houses.She said that the housing targets faded in the conservative party in 2022 will once again become a mandatory goal.Promoting housing construction projects in the UK is quite resistant, because the British people oppose strong opposition to the construction of new housing in the green belt. The Rena plans to define some green belt as a "gray belt", and the low -quality green belt land is renamed "ash belts", To reduce the resistance to building houses.

Last Monday, the Minister of Finance Rachel Raves said in a TV speech, "It will make a series of incredible difficult choices."Subsidies, cancel the plan to build roads and hospitals, and abandon plans to restrict social health care costs (but the prison plan is not within the scope of cancellation), in order to fill in "the fiscal gap of 22 billion pounds inherited from the Conservative Party".This will increase her budget taxation for her fall this fall.However, she agreed to provide a two -year salary increase of 22%of the two -year salary increase to the British medical service system to end the wave of strike.This will improve medical services that are currently in dilemma.

Stamo condemn "extreme right wing atrocities"

The pain point of "illegal immigrants from France to Britain" left by the Conservative Government, Starmo tried to replace the former government's "prevention of small boats from entering the country" with "crushing people."However, the fact that "British taxpayers provide hotel accommodation costs for tens of thousands of illegal immigrants", repeatedly reported by the media, have greatly affected the right of right -wing people.In conjunction with the rising right -wing forces of the European Union, in the British election in July, the right -wing reform party members appeared for the first time, and five were produced at a time.

Last week, driven by the rumor, a murderer of immigrants quickly evolved into a right -wing riots in Britain.On July 29, a sword -holder broke into the venue of a dance class in the Sans Potter dance class in the British town, causing three children to die and many people were injured.Because the suspect was only 17 years old, the police could not report his identity, resulting in rumors that caused the identity of the relevant suspects to spread a lot on the Internet, and Muslims became scapegoats.When the police eventually publicized the identity of the suspect, the migrant descendants born in the UK, it was too late, and the consequences had expanded, and the anti -immigrant sound was rolled up.There were many riots in the UK last weekend, and hundreds of people were arrested.The court keeps opening day and night to ensure timely interrogation; it is reported that they have deliberately arranged enough prison positions to wait for these illegal people.

Stammer has condemned the riots that are happening across the United Kingdom, called "extreme right wing atrocities".He said that the British people "have the right to enjoy safety", but people have seen "the Muslim community becomes the target of attacks ... Playing the Nazi on the street."He said that people participating in riots will "face severe punishment of law."This is in line with the values ​​of the British popularity, that is, regardless of any different political opinions, it should be expressed in a peaceful way. Violence must be condemned and punished.

Only one month after taking office, there are countless problems facing the Labor Party government.Honeymoon period?Don't think about it.Enter deep water directly.

The author is a bilingual writer who settled in the UK