The Venezuela people must be responsible for the existence of dictatorship.What kind of people must have what kind of rulers.Both Chavez and Maduro are the leaders of Venezuelars who have elected in the form of democratic elections.

Venezuela is a typical country leading to the road of slavery.The basis for judging this fact is that the country is escaping from the country.According to the US Refugee Agency, from April 2014 to April 2024, more than 7.7 million Venezuelas left their country.This is the largest public outflow in the modern history of Latin America and one of the largest people in the world.Among them, 6.5 million Venezuelars were accepted by countries in Latin America and Caribbean.20%of Venezuela people have gone to the country, and the speed of escape is an average of 2,000 people per day.This is a silent protest for the authoritarian dictatorship.

When people in a country go to other countries, they show their confidence in the motherland.When a country becomes a destination of many foreign people, even if this country is not the best, it is not much worse.The Venezuela people abandon their motherland and show that the people are in a life of slavery. Human nature drives away from going abroad, which is the only way out of the predicament.

From this, it can be explained that thousands of foreigners have traveled through the Basa Rainforest, and they escaped from the US -Mexico border to enter the United States.The United States is not heaven, but at least let people see the hope of hard work.In a failure country, the people can't see any hope.

Venezuela was once a wealthy country.In the 1960s, it produced more than 10%of crude oil around the world. The per capita GDP (GDP) was many times the neighbor Brazil and Colombia, which was not far from the United States.Venezuela eagerly hopes to achieve diversification, no longer rely only on oil, and avoid the so -called "resource curse", that is, the income earned by commodities such as oil, leading the government to ignore other economic parts of the economy.However, by the 1970s, Venezuela has ushered in a wave of economic prosperity in the east wind of oil prices; coupled with the many years of stable democratic systems, Venezuela seems to be a model country.

The reason for Venezuela's way of slavery is summarized into two points: the rule of the dictator and the utopian of socialism.Former Venezuela President Chavez and his successor Maduro are dictatorship.The dictator's rule of the country does not necessarily cause economic deterioration. At that time, Chile and South Korea had had the stage of dictator rule. The dictator's road to the market economy could also bring the country into a prosperous path.In 1973, Pinochet established a right -wing military government through a military coup.He promoted the reform of new liberal economy, leading to the rapid development of Chile's economy.Park Jung -hee in South Korea came to power through a military coup and implemented dictatorship.However, Park Jung -hee took the development of economy as a top priority and followed the market economy.From 1962 to 1979, the average annual GDP growth rate of South Korea was as high as 9.2%, and the per capita GDP increased from $ 82 in 1961 to $ 1644 in 1979. South Korea developed from a poor agricultural country to a medium -developed country.

If Chavez and Maduro take the market economy, Venezuela will definitely not fall to today.It is Chavez's "21st Century Socialism" step by step to bring the country into the predicament.The nationalization, currency and price control, and irresponsible welfare plans he implemented in his implementation expansion, cater to Utopia demand of populism, but leads to lack of motivation for economy.All the disadvantages of the socialist economy were staged in Venezuela.Chavez came to power in 1999 and died in office in 2013, and the entire country gradually declined.Maduro continued to rule and follow the path of socialism, and finally pushed the Venezuela people into the bottomless abyss.

In 2018, Venezuela's inflation rate was as high as 130,000%.What is this concept?Equivalent to the former Weimar Republic and Zimbabwe today.The people of Venezuela would rather use money as a toilet paper or buy toilet paper because toilet paper is much more expensive than money.To make matters worse, Venezuela's super inflation lasted for four years. By August 2020, the inflation rate fell to more than 2000%.This is almost the longest continuation time in modern history.In May 2024, inflation rates have been reduced to 60%.From 2013 to 2019, Venezuela's actual GDP shrinks by 65%, almost the world's worst economic recession in the past half century. The only more serious recession than it is Liberia during the civil war.

Behind these numbers are the tragic destiny of countless people. Among them are children who look for food in the garbage dumps, and some mothers who have to buy stinky meat. There are corpses slowly rotten in the corridor because of power outages.The old man who turned the mountain to the neighboring country ...

Venezuela's misery is a typical manifestation of socialism, and the atypical form of socialism is to introduce a market economy.This led to another reason that caused the dilemma of Venezuela today is dictatorship.

Dictatorship is not only a necessary means for the capitalist economy, but also a necessary means to prevent attempt to change the nature of socialism.If in a democratic country, any economic policy with socialist colors failed, there may be the possibility of changing.Democratic votes can change the government and leaders.In the dictatorship country, there is no elasticity and error correction mechanism that changes the nature of socialism.The purpose of dictators to safeguard socialism is to safeguard their own interests.

The existence of dictatorship is that Venezuela's left -wing populism provides soil.The Venezuela people must be responsible for the existence of dictatorship.What kind of people must have what kind of rulers.Both Chavez and Maduro are the leaders selected by Venezuela through the form of democratic elections.The "21st Century Socialism" caters to the Utopia complex of left -wing populism.The unbalanced distribution of social wealth has always been the main reason for the prevalence of Latin American populism.Chavez and Maduro reprimanded traditional forces such as politics and social elites as the "source of all evils", claiming that only them can save the nation and benefit the public.The dictator used the media to brainwash the public, and Venezuela has become a model for digital authoritarianism.The people who have not opened the people will naturally support the dictator.

In July this year, the presidential election was a chance to reverse destiny in Venezuela. The contest between dictators and opposition candidates Edmondo Gonzalez depends on the dictators' fraud and violent means, but also depends onFor the choice of the people.Including the brainwashing people and the army can determine the fate of their own country.The dictator's long -term governance is both the result of the tolerance or acceptance of the people and the reason why the people suffer.When the people awaken, it is the day of hope.

The author is Shanghai current affairs commentator