Israel fought a fierce battle with Hamas in Gasha for nearly 10 months, and also launched a relatively slow conflict with Hamas ’s allies throughout the Middle East.All parties are risking seriously, but they eventually avoid dragging the area into a larger multi -line war.

Tuesday and Wednesday's attack on two major enemies in Israel is one of the biggest challenges that have encountered since the beginning of the battle in October last year.

On Tuesday evening, Israel's attack on Beruto's senior commander Fujus Schrockl was a response to a town -controlled town controlled by Israel last Saturday, causing 12 children and adolescents to die.The attack on Berut was the first time that Israel had hit the Lebanon's capital that was so influential in this war.A few hours later, Hamas's political leader Ismel Hanyer was killed in Iran, which was considered the most vivid breakthrough that Iran's defense system over the years.

The level of the attack target, the sensitivity of the place, and the two attacks occur almost at the same time, and it seems to be a particularly provocative upgrade operation, which makes the region worrying about Iran and its region -agents -— Including the Lord of the Lord, the Herhay armed forces, and the folk armed forces in Iraq -will make a greater response.The scale of this reaction may determine whether the low -level regional battles between the Israeli and the Iranian alliance will evolve into a comprehensive and comprehensive conflict.

Three Iranian officials said that Iranian military commanders are considering launching a large -scale joint attack on Israel's military targets to launch drones and ballistic missiles, but they will avoid attacking civilian goals.

However, some analysts say that although Iran and the Lord may respond, they may leave room for Israel so that they must not make further revenge, at least so at present.In the past few months, the Allah seems to be cautious about a war that might destroy Lebanon. Iranian leaders have stated that they will respond strongly, but the country may want to avoid taking the United States more directly into the conflict.action.Analysts say that the Lord and Iran may also decide to consider each assassination as a separate incident, rather than a joint attack that requires large -scale collaboration.

Michael Stepans, a very popular expert in the Middle East, who is headquartered in the Institute of Foreign Policy, Philadelphia, said that the Allah will face the pressure of response because in the attack on BeirutCommander, not an ally.But Stephens said it is unclear whether Hanyer's death in Iran will change the plan of the Lord in Lebanon.

"When we put these two questions together, we must be very clear and cautious," Stephens said."In the past nine months, the true party has repeatedly stated that what happened on Hamas has nothing to do with the strategy needs of the Allah. This does not mean that there will be no conflict."

For Iran, the attack on its territory is very embarrassing. One of the reasons is that the attack occurred on the same day when the new president was elected in the country, exposing Iran's security loopholes.However, Andreas Crigg, an expert in the King's College of London, said that because the target of the attack is foreign guests, not senior Iranian officials, Iran still has certain space to adjust its response measures.

"I don't think the strategic considerations of Iranians have changed," Crigg said.

"Iran will have to respond in some way," he said."But this is not a turning point."

Some analysts said that Hanyer, the representative of Hamas's chief negotiation, reduced the possibility of recently reaching a ceasefire agreement in Gasha.The Israelis hopes that killing such an influential leader will eventually help disintegrate Hamas's determination, making the organization more likely to compromise in the long run.However, some people said that the death of Hanye was unlikely to have a serious impact on the organization.

The International Crisis Organization of the Middle East and North Africa Project, Joste Hildman, said that although Hanyer's title is Hamas's political leader, he can be replaced.

"Hamas will survive," he said."They also have many other leaders."

Although the possibility of upgrading the current situation is greater than at any time since October last year, the past experience shows that alleviating is still possible.In January of this year, Israel killed a senior leader of Hamas at the Brurt base in the Ozo Party, which made people worry that Hamas will launch a particularly fierce counterattack on behalf of Hamas.A few days later, the Allah chose a response that was considered to be mainly symbolic, and a series of rockets launched a series of rockets to an Israeli military base, almost no damage.In April this year, after Israel killed several Iranian commanders in Syria, Iran responded to the largest cruise missile and ballistic missiles in military history.After Israel's symbolic counterattack, the two sides chose a cliff.

However, even if the conflict is avoided, it is unclear what the two attacks will bring to Israel strategically.

In some critics in Israel, the two blows are trying to provoke a regional war.In order to dispel this idea, Israel Foreign Minister Israel Kaz said on Wednesday that if both sides abide by a UN resolution, a greater war can still be avoided.This resolution was made after the last major war between Israel and the Lord in 2006, but has never been implemented.

Security Council No. 1701 decided to require the Allah to withdraw from the Israeli border and make other regulations."Israel is not interested in comprehensive war, but the only way to prevent war is to immediately implement the resolution No. 1701," Kaz said in a statement.

In Israel, the two attacks are praised as a wonderful strength display, which is the result of complex intelligence collection operations.But the Israelites also questioned their strategic benefits. In addition to revenge on Hamas's attack on Israel on October 7, and the Allah's attack on 12 children and adolescents on Saturdays on Saturday.(The Allah denied the main messenger of the attack.)

Wait until all the dust is settled, and more than 100 Israelic hostages have been detained in Gasha, Hamas still has not been defeated, and the Allah will continue to pose a strategic threat to the border of northern Israel.Iran will still impact the agent forces that threaten the interests of the United States and Israel in the region.

"Nothing to solve," said the former Israeli ambassador to Washington, Eutamal Labonovic.For the Israelites, the air strike "boosted the morale here, but did not solve any fundamental problems," Labinovic said."We are still walking in place."

Some people said that the two assassinations may allow Israeli Prime Minister Neitanahu announced a symbolic victory, so that he has some room for concessions in Gaza, and maybe he will agree to the ceasefire, so as to complete the thoroughness of thoroughlyGet rid of the war.

But if Neitaniah believes that the ceasefire will cause his government to collapse, he may still avoid doing this; his ruling alliance depends on the extremely right -wing member, and these members have threatened that if the war defeats Hamas without defeating HamasAt the end of the case, they will withdraw from the league.