According to media reports, on July 31, a recruitment information posted on social platforms attracted attention.Guiyang Tobacco Monopoly Bureau (Company) Two subordinate institutions recruit customer managers. Demand majors are limited to related majors such as physical education and sports training, and indicate special students. Those with qualifications for second -level athletes in football are preferred.

"Tobacco Bureau Recruitment of Sports"?This phenomenon immediately attracted widespread attention.Many netizens have questioned whether it is related to business such as sports and other related majors?And questioned that such a post was suspected of "radish pit".In response, a staff member of the Personnel Department of the Guizhou Provincial Tobacco Monopoly Bureau said that the recruitment work has ended and the process is completely compliant. Indeed, graduates of sports related majors are required to serve as customer managers.

Judging from the information currently disclosed, according to their own cognition, the netizens questioned that the special recruitment conditions were limited to the special recruitment conditions. It was suspected of "setting up a person for posts" and it was not wrong.Based on this, the recruitment unit may wish to give more explanations to explain the scientific and necessity of these recruitment requirements to respond to public opinion questioning.

It is worth noting that this is not the first time that the tobacco system recruitment has encountered such doubts.Xiaoxiang Morning News reported that in the 2012 Hunan Tobacco System Recruitment Plan, employers, including the Chenzhou Tobacco Bureau, stipulated in some positions of some positions that they must graduate from basketball and have national athlete qualifications.

The Monterical Monopoly Bureau of Luzhou City responded at the time, "We are now operating by enterprise, and this recruitment is actually an enterprise behavior." Basketball majors and vocal majors are to enrich the construction of corporate culture. There is no "radish recruitment".Essence

However, whether it was or now, such an explanation failed to eliminate public doubts.Tobacco enterprises enrich the construction of corporate culture. If you want to recruit union staff, be responsible for carrying out cultural and sports activities, and propose specific professional requirements for applicants, this is understandable.

However, in the introduction of the responsibilities of the recruitment positions, the enterprise did not clearly describe it.This has caused many people to doubt that the recruitment of tobacco companies is "due to people" and "restrictions on people."On social platforms, many netizens directly questioned that such positions may be set up for the "relationship households" of a certain leader.

As many netizens say, even if a tobacco company recruits customer managers, it needs physical talents in sports, can it be indicated that "specialty students and those who have a qualification of a national second -level athletes in football"? "

So why do you emphasize the requirements of "football national second -level athletes" and "basketball national second -level athletes"?In this regard, enterprises obviously need to further explain, what kind of field to recruit such special students.

Public recruitment and publicity recruitment information is to promote fairness and fair recruitment and prevent close relatives from breeding and human affairs.In recent years, recruitment of state -owned enterprises has emphasized the implementation of the avoidance system.However, some people are worried that although the internal personnel avoidance system is implemented, there may be human affairs transactions among leaders of state -owned enterprises, and relatives will arrange relatives to work in other state -owned enterprises.To this end, it is necessary to disclose as detailed information as possible to accept corporate employees and public supervision.

In order to prevent "radish recruitment", scientific and reasonable recruitment requirements should be set up in accordance with the requirements of job responsibilities.This requires a clear description of job responsibilities and cannot be simplified and blurred.The announcement of the duties of the post can also allow the society to supervise whether to set up such a job reasonable, is it "to have a job because of the personnel" and people have floated.

In addition, when setting up recruitment conditions for job responsibilities, in order to expand the talent selection of the post, in addition to the essential requirements, try to reduce the recruitment conditions and set up less limited requirements.The more detailed the requirements of the limitedity, the less applicants who meet the conditions, and they will be questioned as "radish recruitment".

In the final analysis, when recruiting, it is important to focus on whether the candidates can be competent in this position, not to screen their talents in accordance with their academic qualifications and majors.Only in this way can we always practice scientific organs and enable companies to recruit suitable outstanding talents.Of course, this can also avoid being questioned "radish recruitment".

Contribution/Editorial/Ma Xiaolong School Division/Chen Yiyan