The visual impact in the video can increase the beautiful impression of the external world in China in the short term, but if you don't want this to be a wave of boom, the long -term soft power construction, I am afraid it is a longer journey.

I still remember when I was studying in the UK more than 10 years ago, I was stupid and carried a thick lonely planet with a thick brick.Later, China ’s poor travel network became popular, and the word“ strategy ”had the meaning of the new era.When I travel to Europe, I will print a few pages of poor travel strategies.

After the epidemic, with the rise of Xiaohongshu, when I was traveling in China, I no longer did a strategy. I searched the attractions directly in Xiaohongshu, and even the day before the local and preparing for "punch card".transportation.

If the Singaporeans started to fall in love with Japan in the 1990s, they were influenced by Japanese dramas and travel programs. After 2000, they fell in love with South Korea to travel.Help.Recently, the street interview video produced by Lianhe Zaobao has known many young people in Singapore to know China through social media.What attraction does China have to China in the video?

Compared with paper travel notes, blogs and even TV series, the video quickly grasped the eyeball.The powerful algorithm of the social media platform means that as long as you watch one or two related videos, big data starts to study you, and keep pushing similar content to let you keep brushing down.You don't have to enter keywords to express your hobbies, you have been firmly locked.

Many platforms will reward and recommend traffic to content bloggers, and analyze user portraits, watch duration, men's and women's proportions, regional sources, active periods, growth trends, etc., and encourage creators to continue to "feed" that conform to the appetite of fans.content.On the most mature YouTube on this track, there are dozens of data analysis video performance in the background data center.The later show Tiktok is even better. The video editing software developed by your home allows you to match the special effects at will, and then publish it to major platforms, which greatly shortens the video production cycle.

But the video duration is limited and cannot be fully narrated. Therefore, the video of the travel category must be done well. It must not just shoot the landscape, and more importantly, tell the story well.In order to create a sense of difference and suspense, many Western bloggers will deliberately play the title of "China in 2030", "You will not believe this is in China", and so on, plus some exaggerated expressions to drive the audience's emotions.

Some foreigners and Asian bloggers, such as Malaysia, Japan, and Koreans, will also bring their elders at home to play and make a series of videos to create a dramatic sense of Liu Ye into Grand View Garden.The Korean variety show also arranged an artist to work in a large hot pot city in Chongqing to experience the effect of dishes in the middle of the mountain, learning to play mahjong, and manufacturing and entertainment.

In addition to landscapes and urban landscapes,

Chinese travel video also focuses on the local lifestyle, including drone delivery, drone taxi, cashless payment, high -speed rail, hotel robot delivery, efficient services, and so on.It can be said that as long as it is slightly moving and turning Chinese tourism into a so -called content vertical class, it can be realized into income, and it is not difficult to understand why so many bloggers go to China to "get gold" in China.Essence

The tourism industry has been available since ancient times. From the Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty to India, Xu Xiake traveled to China, Zheng He went to the west, Columbus discovered the new continent, Belzini explored pyramids, etc.Civilization, technology, business, and culture have made great contributions.From this perspective, Chinese tourism in short videos can have a positive impact on promoting transnational exchanges and stimulating economy.

However, the double -edged sword effect of social media is more aggressive and obvious than the previous ways of communication, as if the rendering of Chinese human rights issues on Chinese human rights issues before, also occupy the space of public opinion at the same speed.Recently, the Singapore goalkeeper Hashan Soni has become popular overnight. Some readers also pointed out that in case Hashan is not "meritorious" but guides another direction. Will the sound of singing decline?

The visual impact in the video can increase the good impression of the external world in China in the short term, but if you don't want this to be a boom, long -term soft power construction, I am afraid it will be a longer journey.