Source: Bloomberg

A large -scale information technology failure has caused flights, market turmoil, and corporate operations around the world. Behind this failure is a network security leader Crowdstrike Holdings Inc.

CrowDStrike is a major software supplier, and its software protection enterprises are exempt from extortion software attacks.On Friday, the company, who tried to repair the problem patch, became the focus of attention.This patch caused a joint response throughout the system, causing various types of customer systems from banks to global retail giants to medical care systems.

Wall Street responded rapidly to CrowDStrike's major mistakes: the company's stock price closed at the New York market 11%on Friday to $ 304.96, with a market value of more than $ 9 billion.The company's current market value is about $ 74 billion.

Crowdstrike, headquartered in Austin, Texas, was founded in 2012 and was created by the former executive of anti -virus software pioneer Michami.In terms of providing relatively new types of security software, it has become a leading company.This software is regarded as one of the best tools for defensive extortion software and other hackers.According to data from the market research company's IDC, in the global market of the so -called "modern" endpoint protection software with a scale of $ 12.6 billion, the company controls about 18%of its share and lags behind 25.8%of the main competitors Microsoft.

The latest quarterly profit announced by the company far exceeds expectations, which is contrary to the general trend of the entire network security market.

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CrowDStrike confirmed online reports that the report said that a faulty update may cause millions of companies and government Windows computers in the world to be unavailable, resulting in a terrible "blue screen crash".

The company attributed the matter in the statement on Friday on the "defect found in a single content update of the Windows host", and said that the interruption was not caused by cyber attacks or security vulnerabilities.The company said that anyone who uses Mac or Linux machines is not affected and said "repair has been deployed."

CrowDStrike's repair has been released. For Windows desktop or laptop, if a CrowDStrike product affected by defects is installed, updates need to be updated.The company confirmed in the announcement that each affected Windows machine needs to be restarted manually.Customers' communication seen by Bloomberg News shows that CrowDStrike's technical support team suggested that the system restart may require up to 15 times.

The company's CEO George Kurtz said in an interview with CNBC on Friday that "this is a content error or update, we have issued, identified and withdrawn."He apologized to the affected customers and said that some systems needed several hours to return to normal, while other systems need to be longer.