A civilized society must be arranged. For those who destroy order, those who destroy order must be punished strictly to ensure that this fragile bubbles will not break in the dark ocean.In this sense, in the name of tolerance, the indulgence of tolerance allows the desire to satisfy the long -term dedication and sacrifice, which is tantamount to extinction.

I participated in the tour group in early June and went to the sunny Spanish and Portugal to feel the enthusiasm, food, historical monuments and natural scenery of the locals.Although at the western end of the European continent, the Ukrainian battlefield far away from Beache Yuanyuan, it coincides with citizens from 27 EU member states from June 6th to 9th.The smoke; coupled with the careful explanation of the local tour guide when visiting the monuments, the corner of Europe, where the birthplace of modern civilization, could not help but imagine.

The Iberian Peninsula has a long history. The earliest literature was the record of ancient Greek historians, Herkata, in 500 BC.The Romans depicted this place around 200 BC and immigrated to the rule.The ancient city of Spain, Segovia, has retained an ancient Roman Waterway Bridge with a length of about 800 meters long and 28.5 meters in height. It is amazing that the architectural knowledge and skills of the year are amazing.Like the history of many places, Iberia lived in different ethnic groups in different periods. The West Goge from Germany established a regime in 415 and was subsequently conquered by Muslim Moore from North Africa in 711. Until 1330, Sarang was conquered.In the battle of the river, the Christian coalition drove the forces of Muslims out of the peninsula.

Due to the history of hundreds of years of Musume's rule, Spain and Portugal have left a lot of label impacts in terms of architectural style, eating habits, or language.Our visiting Lady Cordo was promoted to the Catholic Cathedral, which was converted in a mosque built in 786 in 1238.According to the guide, one of the conditions for the surrender of the Muslim surrendering that was defeated at that time was to retain the mosque building.Because Christians were also lacking money at the time, they simply moved flowers to pick up woods and modified mosque as churches; later generations gradually expanded to form a building complex coexisting of Muslim, Goethe -style, and Renaissance architecture.

The world's well -known Iberian pickled ham has no religious factors behind it.When I was chatting with the tour guide privately, the Christians who had ordered the Christian family to hang ham after the victory, and let the Muslims who taboo pork left the settlement district on their own, and "purified" the community in this way without bleeding.Unlike today's extreme Islamists to eliminate all pagans, the Muslim rulers at that time allowed Christians and Jews under the allowed to retain their beliefs, but they had to pay religious taxes.Or because of this historical memory of hundreds of years of religious grievances, local tour guides with different attractions explained in an appointment and emphasized that Spain is a country consisting of more than 90 % of Christians.I do n’t know if they are saying so much that they are laughing at the naive policies of Muslim immigrants in the name of compassion and tolerance in Germany, France, and Britain.

Local tour guides have a lot of knowledge.A Jewish district introduced in the ancient town explained how the Christian kingdom was tolerant of Jewish that year, and it was very difficult to coexist in different religious beliefs, but Singapore did it.So he admires it very much, hoping to have the opportunity to visit Singapore.This made me think of an assertion about identity: a community needs a common blood, common beliefs, and common enemies.If so, Singapore's diversified race and religious society can be unusual, obviously it is necessary to constantly be careful to maintain the fragile and harmonious harmony.Iberia's historical experience seems to confirm this.

Compared with the mountains and waters of Spain and Portugal, the beautiful local ancient buildings also remind us that the formation of civilization not only pays a lot of hard -sweat, but its existence is natural.Colombian philosopher Davida said: "All eras show the same sin, but not all times show the same virtue. There are huts in each era, but only some times can there be palaces." Between attractions between attractions.In the drive, I read such a loud text from social media: civilization is like a bubble full of peace and abundance, emerging from the dark ocean of poverty and war.To maintain this fragile bubble, the cost must be ruthless and cruel.Behind the brilliant decoration of the Catholic Hall of Catholic Church, the Catholic Division has not known how much blood flows for more than thousands of years.

We live in the warm arms of civilization. We turned on the electric lights secretly, thirsty and twisted the faucet.The daily convenience comes from the silent cooperation and dedication of countless people, and the order that these groups work hard to depend on are based on the moral standards and judicial systems that strictly regulate people's daily words and deeds.Therefore, a civilized society must be arranged, and those who lack self -discipline that destroy order must be strictly punished to ensure that this fragile bubbles will not break in the dark ocean.In this sense, in the name of tolerance, the indulgence of tolerance allows the desire to satisfy the long -term dedication and sacrifice, which is tantamount to extinction.

Of course, the survival of civilization cannot be self -proclaimed, but for thousands of years, it has been refined for thousands of years to go to Wu Chanjing, so that the existing morality and legal norms will continue to meet the needs of civilization.The reason why many social rules are naturally righteous, on the one hand, because of their age, people have known it and they do not know why; but on the other hand, it is precisely because it effectively guarantees the reproduction of civilization, so it can be passed on to this day.Many new morality and legal claims must be tested by time and practice in order to obtain the rationality accepted by the society.Any idea or concept that bids new and different may have the fashionable effect of public petition. If you cannot "see humanities and turn into the world", it will not only be eliminated by the times, but also worse, it will also destroy the existing fragile civilization order.

Learning from the history of the history on the journey, the historian Wil Durant and his wife Ariel Durant who wrote 11 -volume civilization stories summarized the research experience.说:“地形的特征和轮廓可能会为农业、采矿或贸易提供机会,但只有领导者的想象力和主动性以及追随者的勤奋,才能将潜力转化为事实……是人,而不是地球,"Create a civilization" on the way to see the results of the European Parliament, described by the mainstream of Western media as a very right -wing victory, but the so -called extreme right wings are only advocating to regulate legal immigrants, expel illegal immigrants, and protect the existing lifestyle and value system.political party.This common sense policy choice of European voters may also be regarded as the instinct of civilization self -protection.