If the current "New Cold War of the Globalization" has become a game, it may form a critical point of breaking the situation, which is the Russian President Putin that launched the Ukraine War.

The Ukraine Peace Conference, which has just ended in Switzerland, plays a role in positioning the platform of the world's large -scale situation today.Some people say that this is the embodiment of the world ’s return to World War II and the Cold War. To be more accurate, this is the issue of defending the post -war world civilization order and right and wrong.

First of all, as many as 92 countries and eight international organizations, including heads of state or government head of 57 countries, attended the Peace Conference.In addition, there are representatives from the global southern countries such as India, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, etc., who previously said that Brazil, who had not participated in the meeting, also sent observers. The representative of the meeting far exceeded the scope of Western countries and its allies.This episode reflects the extensive and deep attention of countries in Europe and the world.

An intriguing is that the conference only published a relatively restrained and balanced bulletin at the end, and issued a call for the territorial integrity of any country with force to violate any country.80 participating countries signed at the final communiqué, but some important representatives of the global southern countries did not sign, including India, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, etc.This also shows that although countries are concerned about the peace crisis, they have only come to half a piece of the so -called "BRIC" when Russia participated in the meeting without parties -some countries still try to maintain in the confrontation pattern.Neutral or high -hung stance.

The standing team on the current stage of the times is relatively clear: 80 participating signed countries, a cluster of the country where the meeting but not signing, and a cluster of those countries that do not participate in the conference and do not sign.

Which cluster represents the hope of future development and advanced civilization?Here, you can first put all kinds of hustle and bustle publicity and rogue sophistry first, and find a more practical and true choice standard: when sending their children to study abroad, people will choose to be in which cluster in which cluster country in which cluster is in the country.Intersection

Some people have died when they usually make various targeted arguments, but when they choose education and future for their offspring, they can see the true chapter.Because normal people want to choose the future of more autonomous, freedom, wisdom, and promising future for future generations.For example, a country that is still depressed and harmed women in the Middle Ages, or a country where the people are hungry for poor soldiers and martial arts, it is estimated that it is difficult to be the destination for everyone to study and develop.

Some people say that the international order of modern civilization in the post -war modern civilization for the correctness of the war is the order of American hegemony and the West, so it is necessary to challenge and change it.If it is only the hegemony of the United States, how can many countries have been rich in development in the past half of the past half of the past half of the centuries?If it is just the order dominated by the West, why do many countries squeeze the scalp and also join the relevant international organizations, such as the World Trade Organization, etc., so that it will be in line with the rules and order of international development?

Yes, the United States is the leadership of the post -war modern civilization order. This leadership position is the result of the formation of historical trends to promote nature.The post -war international order is never perfect, and it is constantly self -vomiting all the way, surpassing, and more and more overcome and get rid of the backward factors of imperialism, colonialism, and racism in the pre -war international order.With the excellent value of the rule of law, complete sovereignty, market economy, and scientific and technological innovation, guide the overall level of human civilization to the upper floor.

But this is by no means that the United States' leadership in modern international order is unchanged.The survival of the ability first and the fittest is the main feature of the thousands of years of civilization history.However, to be replaced by the United States, we must take out things that are more clever and more advanced than the United States. There must be "hard lasting, real skills" to make the world feel pleasing and sincere.

If the current "New Cold War" is a game, a major critical point may form a big critical point, that is, the Russian President Putin, which launch the Ukraine War.Putin thinks that he can make meritorious merits like Senate Tsar. In fact, he rashly exposed his flaws. Now he is restrained and consumed in the Ukrainian battlefield, and it is difficult to escape the final defeat.And once Putin's defeat, it will also greatly shake the status and foundation of Russia's cluster.

Putin is also an authority of authority, and now he has re -elected himself as a Russian president.After being re -elected, he first visited China and was intended to stabilize his strategic partners and support.Recently, Putin visited North Korea and Vietnam. Observer believed that he visited North Korea to continue to seek support from the Fangfang Army, and Vietnam was looking for export trade opportunities for Russia.Some opinions believe that if Russia and DPRK further form an alliance, deepen the tension of the Korean Peninsula, and more Russia's economic and trade cooperation, such as expanding the mining of oil and gas resources in the South China Sea may harm China's geopolitical and economic benefits.

But China and Russia should not let the above -mentioned "small section" affect the overall strategic relationship.Moreover, China's Belt and Road project has also penetrated into Russia's traditional backyard in Central Asia. Russia can only open their eyes and close their eyes.Many analysts believe that for China and Russia, the current overall situation is that China helps support Russia to the Ukrainian war, at least to prevent the defeat of Putin and the collapse of the Russian regime.If Russia can survive it, it may also support China once in the direction of the Taiwan Strait, at least ensure that China has no strategic worries.

Russia fights against Ukraine, resulting in a ridiculous situation of a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council who wants to embezzle another independent sovereign country, which has caused the operation of the Security Council to paralyze, and the current international order after the war has indeed encountered severe challenges.It is not to say that the State Council's permanent member of the country cannot start war to the outside world. The United States has almost fought all over the world.The barbaric point.As a result, the international community was angry and could not bear Putin and Russia. Russia was in a "international orphan" state in terms of morality.

Continuously dragged down by Putin and Russia, China and the United States, Europe and other allies are drifting away. The Sino -European trade war is about to start. Those who suffer more will be China's economy and society.At the same time, Russia's progress in Ukraine has also stirred up the worst association and preparation of the international community in the Taiwan Strait.It can be said that the Taiwan Strait Crisis can not get the actual relief in one day. The US and the West's sanctions on cutting -edge science and technology in China will not stop for one day, because the Cold War is much smaller than the cost of military warfare and is much cost -effective.

In modern times, Russia has been flickering in China in all ways, which has been misleading, delaying and hindering China's modernization efforts and processes.This situation continues today.

The author is an expert in international cultural strategy in the United States