Lianhe Morning Post on May 19th, a concubine complex reported by Jiang Guiying, the "Kim Jong -un, it is impossible for North Korea to be open", and Kim Jong -un often "prove himself more intensely" and attributed to his sister -in -law complex.The puppet complex may be a reason, but I think there is another main reason -the North Korean system.

In 2011, Kim Jong -un's father Kim Jong Il died, and he successively became the head of North Korea.I remember that there were several acquaintances chatting. Seven -tongue predicting what the head of state would be, whether it was done in accordance with the established policy, continuing the North Korean tradition, or learning China Deng Xiaoping to promote reform and opening up.

Kim Jong -un studied in Switzerland when he was a youth, and he had four years of free air in Europe. He knew what was a developed country and what kind of benefits of the people in developed countries had.He likes jeans, movies such as 007, and NBA worships Jordan.Such a very "westernized" Kim Jong -un, while insisting on the hereditary system, can install new thinking in his mind, so some people predict that Kim Jong -un will be the North Korean version of Deng Xiaoping.

I disagree with such predictions.For example, Khmer Rouge leader Bobo (also translated as Polbte) has studied in Paris for three years and is a doctor of political economy.After he laid down Cambodia, about 2 million people were killed, of which nearly 200,000 overseas Chinese.He said with a crime of committing human extinction, saying "I didn't kill, I'm just fighting." It can be seen that living in the West may not have the idea of ​​Western civilization.

Kim Jong -un has been in power for 13 years, proved that I disagree is reliable.He could not reform and open. He was a replica of his grandfather and his father, and even blue was better than blue.

Although Kim Jong -un is a sister -in -law, he is the successor selected by Kim Jong Il himself.Prior to the death of Kim Jong Il, he had always brought him with him, established his prestige, promoted him to become a de facto second leader, and said that he taught him governing art.When Kim Jong Il died, Kim Jong -un took off his name. Why is the sister -in -law?

The main reason to obstruct Kim Jong -un, and his excessive words and deeds is the North Korean system.

Kim Jong -un was born, and grew up under the illumination of the two golden sun. The innate genetic and acquired education, the cells in the blood were full of Korean system genes.In any shaking measures, Kim Jong -un will not accept it and will not do it.Reform and opening up is the biggest suspicion of destroying the North Korean system. Not to mention that Kim Jong -un will not implement it, any North Korean successor, such as the sister -in -law Kim Jong -nam, will not adopt it.

Although my original prediction was true, it was not all.There are adults in ancient and modern Chinese and modern people to change their thinking. There are many examples of two people in front and after, such as the Soviet Gorbachev, Jiang Jingguo in Taiwan, Sadat in Egypt, Israel's salon, and so on.Kim Jong -un was only 40 years old. Maybe one day, he would teach Deng Xiaoping to drive North Korea to open.Perhaps he may find another way to touch the river and cross the river, not only maintaining a Korean characteristic system, but also the reform and opening up of North Korean characteristics.

Recently, the friendly father of North Korea has pushed worship Kim Jong -un to a new height.Whether it is the urge to be the puppet complex or the hereditary responsibility, whether the North Korea is open or not, as the father of the people, Kim Jong -un has the obligation to realize the last wish of his father's grandfather, so that the people "eat enough rice to drink meat soup"" "!

The author is Chinese retired machinery designer