If you know his background, we may probably see why Plabowo envy China's achievements.The birth of soldiers and Plaboor, who has a strong Indonesian nationalist thought, admires China to achieve significant achievements under the centralization of the central government.

In the Shangri -La dialogue ("Xianghui") held in Singapore on June 1st, Indonesia is currently the Minister of Defense and President Plabovo, which stated that Indonesia has been prepared to send peacekeeping forces to the Gaza StripProvide protection and monitoring of the ceasefire agreement for all aspects.He also said that in the near future, Indonesia was also ready to evacuate and treat 1,000 Palestinian injured refugees.Although this suggestion was put forward at the Xianghui, in fact, as early as the Indonesian presidential campaign speech on November 13 last year, he had mentioned the plan to accept Palestinian injured refugees and was supported by President Zoko.

On November 13 last year, the Jakarta Strategy and International Research Center held a seminar on "Indonesian Diplomacy and Strategy", inviting Plabovo to make speeches, and guests at home and abroad attended.This speech and dialogue for 90 minutes (excluding the question of his answering reporters outside the field) is a more detailed statement about Indonesia's diplomacy in recent years, including important issues of the world at this stage.Not only that, this speech and dialogue, in English, there are many foreign envoys to attend. Their questions, Prabowo also answered without asking. Obviously, he said to people outside Indonesia.

"Freedom and Independence" policy

Based on this speech and answer, I described and analyzed the foreign policy of serving as president.

At the beginning, Plabovo said that Indonesian diplomacy serves domestic needs.If he is elected, he will take care of the people's livelihood first and improve people's living standards.He also said that Indonesian diplomacy has always followed the principle of "Bebas Dan Aktif".After talking about the correct opening remarks of politics, the questioning time began.It is in these questions and answers, Plabovo proposed his diplomatic philosophy.

The event chairman first asked questions about the relationship between Indonesia and China and the United States.In the competition of large powers, Prabowa did not choose the "free independence" policy in the competition of large powers.As for how to deal with the problem of the Sino -US game, he said that the United States and China are friends in Indonesia. Indonesia's independence is inseparable from the support of the United States and Australia.He made a lot of contributions, and he would be engraved in his heart.As for China, this is a thousand -year -old civilized country, and he has contributed greatly to Indonesia's economy, and he will not forget.

Now there is a model of the West and China. Plabovo said that in the past, Indonesia only knew the United States and Western countries, so they only learned from the United States and Western countries, including the US democratic system.However, Indonesia's national conditions are different from the United States. They cannot be used all. They must be adjusted according to national conditions.It is different centuries now. Big powers are not only the United States. Indonesia must also learn its achievements in various aspects from all aspects, but they cannot copy the Chinese model. They must adapt to Indonesia's national conditions.

When Plaboor mentioned contemporary China, it also said that China has almost eliminated poverty. It has improved the economic situation of 700 million people in a generation of people.It is worth learning in Indonesia.In addition, China effectively cracks down on corruption and pays attention to education. Students have been studying at school for a long time and high education level, leaving him a deep impression.Plabowo also said that he admired China's achievements, admired the people's strict discipline, and admired the Chinese people's nation and spirit of struggle.

If you only listen to this speech, we will think that Plabovo is a full "pro -Chinese" faction.However, if we understand his background, we can probably see why Plabovo envious of China's achievements.The birth of soldiers and Plaboor, who has a strong Indonesian nationalist thought, admires China to achieve significant achievements under the centralization of the central government.

In his speech, Plabovo repeatedly put forward the concept of "thousands of friends are too small, one enemy is too much".He said it was his current motto.He said that this is what he is older after his age, but this is the guiding principle of his future dealing with domestic and foreign affairs.

Friendly with Western but not allies

When asked about the relationship between Indonesia and the European Union, especially whether Indonesia was unwilling to follow the principle of "free trade", Prabowo was a little excited when answered.He said that Indonesia advocates free trade, but also requires justice.He accused the European Union's application of cutting the Forest Forest Case to resist Indonesian agricultural products, including palm oil; the European Union also accused Indonesia that was not allowed to export nickel seedlings to EU countries illegally.Plabowava said that this was suppressing the people and economic development of Indonesia.Each country has the right to increase national revenue. Indonesia also becomes an industrial country. It is unwilling to always be a "bitter nation". Therefore, it is advocated that "upstream industry" is Indonesia's legal rights and interests, but the European Union makes difficulties in Indonesia everywhere.Indonesia welcomes foreign countries to set up factories, and EU countries are welcomed to set up factories in Indonesia."We love the European Union, but the EU does not love us."He also said that if the European Union did not wake up, it would lose its moral leadership.

Regarding the relationship between Indonesia and Russia and the Russian conflict, Plabowava said that Indonesia requires Russia to stop fire immediately and seek political solution.He said that President Zoko had worked hard to visit Ukraine and Russia, hoping that the two countries could resolve conflicts.He also made an opinion in the incense meeting of 2023, hoping that Russia and Ukraine would stop conflicting and seek political solutions -at the time, Plabovo's suggestion was on the basis of existing, that is, Russia did not need to withdraw troops, so he started to start to start to start startingNegotiations caused a rebound in Western countries and Ukraine.

However, at the incense meeting in 2024, Plabovo reiterated his discussion last year. He believes that it is still "logical, applicable and necessary", and reminds all parties to be upgraded to upgrade.Obviously, he did not take the road of the United States on the Russian and Ukraine issue.

In the speech, when Plabovo talked about the situation in the Middle East and Gaza, it emphasized that Indonesia has always supported the founding of the Palestinian people, and also supports the two countries' plans in the United Nations (that is, in addition to Israel, they must also recognize PalestineThe basic plan for solving the Middle East issue should be implemented.

ready to accept 1,000 Gaza injuries to Indonesia for medical treatment

He believes that the bloody conflict in Gaza must be stopped immediately.He also said that Indonesia has rich experience in sending peacekeeping forces and can send peacekeeping forces under the permission of relevant countries.He passed with Zakgou last year and was preparing to assist Palestine who was injured in Palestine who had been injured in Indonesia for medical treatment.There are 110 military hospitals in Indonesia to help treat these wounded people.However, Plabovo did not explain how many injuries were preparing to accept.Only in this year's incense meeting, he said that 1,000 Gaza injuries can go to Indonesia for medical treatment. He also said that Indonesia is ready for peacekeeping forces and can be sent to Gasha at any time.

Compared with Plaboor's speech and questioning in the 2024 Xianghui, he was similar to his speeches and dialogues in strategic and international research centers when he was running for president in the 2023 president.He emphasized that Indonesia's free and independent foreign policy, did not join the military alliance, and did not choose a side station in Sino -US competition.Another point is that he emphasized that the international international was no longer the unit but the diverse situation, and the rise of China cannot be ignored.

Having said that, after speaking in the 2023 strategy and the International Research Center, Plabowavo answered reporters in his press conference in a press conference, and some answers were still intriguing.For example, a reporter asked him about AUKUS (Australia -British and American three -sided security partnership).He said, "This is the alliance of Australia, Britain, and the United States, which is the power of their government."The reporter asked again, AustraliaDalia will have a submarine with nuclear weapons. Will this submarine threaten Indonesia's security?Plabovo thought about it for a while to answer, "I personally think that Australia is most concerned about his own security." He showed tolerance for the Western military alliance, and did not think that Australian nuclear submarine's security for Indonesia threatened to Indonesia.This shows that Plabovo still hopes that Western forces stay in Southeast Asia in order to obtain a balance of military forces.