The People's Action Party will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the party this year. In the past six months, through the "update of the DAP" activities, it will collect opinions from 2,300 grass -roots party members to learn about their future expectations of the country and how to strengthen the Action Party and the younger generationconnect.Huang Xuncai, Deputy Secretary -General, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, announced at the gratitude meeting that the party will establish two new groups of mental health and climate operations, and prepare to open the door."Friends".

The DAP has been the only ruling party since the founding of Singapore. For decades, with its excellent governing ability, it has continuously promoted the development of the country's various undertakings and improved people's livelihood. It is the main reason that it can repeatedly obtain voters' entrustment.However, if many national cases, if the governance time is long, it is always a big challenge to keep pace with the times. In the Internet era, the trend of diversification and thinking of society is also the reality faced by many traditional big parties.The phenomenon of changing the political ecology of the Internet is occurring in many countries. The new generation of ideas for politics and state affairs is becoming more and more diverse. It is increasingly not easy to ensure that the administrative advantage must ensure the governance advantage.Generally speaking, various reforms in place, including not ignoring the sandwich layer, can meet the needs of each generation; as for how to effectively allocate resources and implement policies, the execution and seriousness of the middle and grassroots are important.

The results of the recent survey of black box research on local consulting companies show that the most concerned about the actual life and employment of Chinese people is not ideological.Compared to a long -term entangled country in the ideology, this is worthy of our grateful. The biggest test of the ruling party is to be able to take good care of the actual and vital interests of the Chinese people, while improving the competitiveness of the country.

Under the system of democratic elections, the People's Action Party has always attached great importance to listening to public opinion, and must be solidly grounded and cannot flow in formalism. Members to meet voters and visit the grassroots level are a good administration and must be implemented.In addition, it is also important to increase the transparency of governance and enhance the communication of policies. Huang Xuncai reiterated that it is necessary to contact the media and answer hot topics and explanation policies. It is worthy of recognition and should be implemented for a long time.

International public opinion has been criticized for long -term governance in one party, but in the previous elections, the Singaporean voters of the DAP have focused on the Singaporean ruling parties can continue to come up with political achievements.However, the ruling party must also be good at reflection and self -alertness. Do not forget the spirit of service spirit, procedure justice, respect for human rights, and other essence of democratic politics.Under the era and complex international situation, once the ruling party is complacent and self -proclaimed or degraded, it loses its governing position, and the results of the establishment of several generations of the ancestors of Singapore are corroded.

In this regard, the DAP has always had a sense of being safe and dangerous, and does not regard continuous governance as taken for granted.Huang Xuncai repeatedly pointed out before the succession that the DAP continued to govern is not an inevitable.Sincerity.So far, the DAP should still be serious in rectifying the discipline and moral issues of the party.As the largest party in the country, the good behavior of the Action Party will become a benchmark for other political parties to formulate a standard and play an example.

As voters have been updated from generation to generation, it is not enough to maintain a clean government. Social media have caused more and more niche group demands. In the foreseeable future, political competition will become more and more fierce, and the subject will become more and more complicated.For every political party, in addition to keeping pace with the times, self -updating the awareness of the subject, paying attention to the affairs that all levels of the society value, and being close to the grassroots to do a good job of voters' services, we must also face the national situation and adhere to the national interests.Continue to formulate national policies with a long -term perspective and be brave to innovate.The DAP has greater continuous reforms than the opposition party, maintaining high -quality governance capabilities, and making an example in accordance with historical responsibility.

The supervision of the ruling party and put forward opinions on the future development of the country are not only the responsibility of the opposition party, but also the role of all nationals who want Singapore to continue success.Maintaining openness and opening up, through effective communication, to achieve the greatest consensus of the social two -way policy, it is an important process to maintain political stability and the country.To achieve success, the internal of the Action Party must always be alert to the arrogant baggage or collective blind thinking that the long -term governance may accumulate, to be close to social pulse in the process of democracy within the party, and strive for the greatest recognition of various topics in each class.