Source: Bloomberg

Author: Michelle Jamrisko, Jordan Fabian

U.S. President Joe Bedden at the former battlefield of Normandy Beach remembered the heroic deeds of the Army Cavalry of the Nazi position on the landing day climbing on the Oak Horn cliff to capture the Nazi position.A sharp contrast between opponent Donald Trump.

Forty years ago, then US President Ronald Reagan also delivered his most famous speech at the same place. He persuaded compatriots not to succumb to isolation, but bravely faced the Soviet Union.Biden chose the same place, hoping to borrow the influence of Reagan to challenge Trump, who belongs to the Republican Party, believes in strong politics, and advocates "US priority" foreign policy.

"Does anyone believe that these cavalry wants the United States to fight alone today?" Bayeng said in a 11 -minute speech on Friday, "They are fighting for the idea of ​​eliminating hatred in the 1930s and the 40s.Will it spare no effort to eliminate the ideological form full of hatred today? "

Biden did not name Trump in his speech, but only a few months left in the November election, some of his words were said to the domestic people.Under the impact of unfavorable factors such as economy, immigration and overseas war, Biden faced the support of veterans Trump.

In order to reverse this momentum, Biden placed democratic issues at the core position to fight for voters' efforts, hoping to establish a completely different image from Trump.

"They want us to do our work well, defend the freedom of our time, defend democracy, and resist aggression at home and abroad," Biden said.

One day before Oak Point delivered, Biden also attended the grand event of the 80th anniversary of Normandy's landing in two leaders and World War II veterans.