Do you know that after Prime Minister Huang Xuncai took over the national leadership stick, which social media post has attracted the most attention?It was not his incentive for inauguration, not the cabinet meeting he was at the helm, nor was he met with foreign guests nonstop, but his new office in the presidential palace.

At the end of last month, In particular, Premier Huang specially in the new office of "unpacking" in social media , let the public look a glimpse of the decoration inside, the decoration inside insideAnd layout.Two desks (one of them can be lifted and lifted), two computers, one external screen, and a large bookcase, simple and simple, which is consistent with him always gives people a low -key and restrained impression.In just 48 seconds of videos, it has attracted more than 20,000 people and watched more than 430,000 people, refreshing his past social media interaction records.

In the Internet era of information explosion, the attention of listening people has been divided into scarce resources with a limited amount of resources. It is not easy for politicians to successfully eye in such a bad environment.But even if you grab the eyeballs, most of the soft information that spreads the streets and alleys is the funny or "explosive point" soft information. The hard content of serious and high information is not as much as possible.worry?The more you cater to the taste of the public in the social media, is it a good business strategy?

As a member of the fourth -generation leadership team in Singapore, Premier Huang, like other relatively young government officials, communicates with the public and the public.The platforms he uses are there in various, including Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter), Telegram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Tiktok.Extend the tentacles to all ages and ethnic groups.

Nevertheless, many people still don't know much to Premier Huang.A recent poll of the black box research independent consulting company shows that only 12%of the locals know clearly what Premier Huang will become a leader.This is not surprising. After all, his technical bureaucracy is used to doing things behind the scenes.He did not stand in front of the scene until the crown disease epidemic, and attracted much attention because of his resistance to resistance. He was recommended by the fourth -generation leadership team as a new successor candidate.

Perhaps because of this, social media has become an extremely important communication platform and performance space for politicians who need to establish a relationship with the people in a short period of time.When the public has the opportunity to participate in direct interaction and see more authentic and transparent politicians, it is easier to establish trust relationships; politicians can also weaken the elite image, deepen the impression of approachable, and then raise the amount of network sound.However, is such trust and likes firm and reliable?If one decision or response does not meet the image of the social media, will it collapse faster and more fierce?

At the People's Action Party Conference last year, Premier Huang, who was also the Deputy Secretary -General of the Party Party, issued a instruction to ask party members to improve the way of communication, to explain to voters more clearly to voters, and to point out the party's policy andDifferences against party policies.The opposition parties who intend to expand the political territory, especially the Workers' Party, believe that they will not wait, but compare with the ruling party in this "air combat" field.

As the national election is close, it can be expected that the social media offensive of politicians in the fields and the opposition will be even more sharp and dense.As the audience, can we restore the ability to rigorously thinking about political issues in the content of crushing and loose visualization, image, and delays.