The website of the China Review Society was published on June 4th, entitled that Lai's three decisions blind spot caused Taiwan's precarious articles.The article states that only half a month after Lai Qingde took office on May 20, cross -strait relations were on the verge of burst.He was tough to the end, and he refused to let go of the "banning group" involved in economic and people's livelihood. He also saw that the DPP authorities were helpless about the mainland.It is difficult to predict when it continues to bump.

The article said that Lai Qingde's three decisions blind spots made Taiwan under the leadership.

First, the DPP authorities are now the same temperature decision.

There are only a few types of senior officials appointed by Lai Qingde, including radical "independence", DPP people, and friendly people. In short, from dark green to light green, everyone is in the same temperature.Things are similar, and do not know the mainland.Judging from the development after May 20, the mainland was dissatisfied with Lai Qingde's inauguration speeches. It followed the two -day military exercise and announced that the tariffs of some product tariffs on the Straits Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) were reduced, and the mainland machine ship was closer to Taiwan's cruise.Generally, Taiwanese people will be afraid that they should prevent the situation from deteriorating, but Lai Qingde's decision -making circle has only one way is to confront them. They believe that they can be tough and tough, and keep it.

No one in Lai team may have a warning on cross -strait conflicts. This is incredible, but it is currently the case.Not only are they tough, but they also have to firmly clear the wild. For example, the "banning group" involving the livelihood of the tourism industry has only a small mouth.Essence

The article says that many experts from cross -strait issues know the mainland very well. They know how to avoid danger in Taiwan, and there are many people with suggestions, but the same temperature layer of the DPP authorities is willing to gather together to warm up and shout "Anti -resistance."Middle" slogan.Scholar Zhao Chunshan has lamented recently that he has never been so panicked about the situation on the two sides of the strait.

Second, the DPP authorities underestimate the mainland's determination to unify and overestimate the ability of the United States to protect Taiwan.

The article states that Lai Qingde dares to step on cross -strait relations so hard, mainly because the United States supports the back, but once the Taiwan Strait has something to do, the United States will really jump out to protect Taiwan?Japan dares to shoot in Japan, which claims "something happened in Taiwan"?The DPP authorities are too happy.The US President Biden has recently said that there are some "Tingtai" claims that the election language is obviously. The United States alone can not be eaten in dealing with the Russian conflict with the Middle East, not to mention that it will pull the aircraft carrier to the Taiwan Strait through the Pacific Ocean to fight.

Lai Qingde underestimated the mainland's determination to unified the Democratic Progressive Party.Lai Qingde believes that it is fine in Taiwan for toughness and the protection of the United States. In fact, the result of "leaning on the beauty" will be even worse.If the mainland wants to sanction Taiwan, there are countless cards on their hands. Recently, they have seen military exercises, machine ship patrols, and partially suspend ECFA.

The article states that from Tsai Ing -wen to Lai Qingde all has a system of thinking, thinking that as long as it is not changed to change the flag, it can be used to perform a substantial "Taiwan independence".Recently, this trick has been useless. If the DPP does not understand the determination of the mainland to crack down on "Taiwan independence", it will lead to devastating results.

Third, the Democratic Progressive Party's authorities ignored the Taiwanese people's tolerance for turbulence.

The article states that Lai Qingde was even more fierce on both sides of the strait after taking office.The Democratic Progressive Party authorities do not panic people in the mainland's military movements, so there are no air defense alerts, no exercises, and the public does not even know where the air defense shelter near the home lives.On the other hand, it is to strengthen the propaganda of "anti -China". For example, the recent green camp groups have promoted the reform of the legislature as the reform of the legislature and surrounded the legislature."Big, swallowed the" Taiwan independence "psychedelic medicine.

In fact, how many Taiwanese have to support "Taiwan independence" at the beginning of the war?I believe it is very little.Especially recently, including the "Forbidden Group Order" and some tax -free projects of ECFA were suspended by the mainland, they all affected the people's livelihood.If the intensity of sanctions in mainland China in the future will increase, the more influence of the people in Taiwan will be greater. For example, some tourists have threatened to go to the street to protest the "ban".

The article points out that some of the DPP thinks that "anti -China" can stabilize at least 40 % of the basic disk, and can be unbeaten in the three -footed election.The idea is implicit crisis, and it is too naive.