Create an environment that can communicate freely and has no sense of threats for adolescence.Trusting adults allow them to seek suggestions and guidance, which helps to achieve this goal.

The problem of premature exposure to pornographic content in local young people has attracted increasing attention and has aroused concerns about the risk of potential pornographic addiction or other sexual issues.

The Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Social and Family Development Sun Xueling mentioned this on April 15 at the third seminar Care Care Care Awareness Seminar.She pointed out that the number of teenagers who were arrested for sex in 2023 in 2023 increased by 30 % over the previous year.

Sun Xueling said that research shows that some factors that lead to increased sexual crimes, including premature or repeated contact with pornographic content or adult sexual behavior, and inappropriate and inaccurate information that receives related sexual and sexual relationships.

Premature contact with pornographic content will greatly affect the attitude of adolescents to sex and gender relations, and blur the boundaries between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors.In addition, today's teenagers have grown in an increasingly erotic world, and social media platforms often become aesthetically aesthetic, which also exacerbates this problem.

With the combination of artificial intelligence and the Internet algorithm, when teenagers accidentally browse to problems with problems, they may come into contact with a large number of similar content.What makes the problem worsen is that pornographic content is easy to obtain on the Internet. Young people can secretly watch these contents without their parents or guardians.

The crown disease has exacerbated people's dependence on digital platforms. Many young people have shifted to the Internet because they cannot meet and participate in outdoor activities with friends and participate in outdoor activities (some of which may involve pornographic content).

For some people, this may also increase the risk of their fascinating pornographic content in the future.A study published in Pediatric Magazine in 2017 found that teenagers with more contact content are more likely to have sex within one to two years.Premature sexual behavior increases the risk of adolescent pregnancy and infectious diseases.

It is not easy to solve the problem of pornographic addiction, because even in the social, occupation and interpersonal relationships of life, it will face adverse consequences, and porn addicts will still watch pornographic content forcedly and show the characteristics of addiction.Such as increased tolerance to such content, psychological retreat, and loss of control.In addition, the behavior of watching pornographic content may also replace other activities in personal life.

Don't rush to label youth

Adolescence is the key stage of the sexual development of young people. At this stage, the interweaving of the growth of cognition and emotion will make people overwhelmed and full of complicated emotions and feelings.At this age, adolescents are often not mature enough to make the right decision on their sexual desire and boundaries.

These issues highlight the importance of helping young people to prevent potential traps when exploring the digital world and being curious about sex.

In this stage of life, exploring and curiosity is a natural phenomenon in the process of sexual development, and these topics must be treated with sensitive, understanding and patience.

Parents play an important role in guiding their children's correct understanding of sex.By carrying out a dialogue that is consistent with the age of the child, in fact, according to the accurate information about providing responsible behavior, and emphasizing the importance of intimate behaviors and mutual respect for the relationship between the sexes, parents can make their children a wise decision.

Seek suggestions from reliable parenting resources, and obtain valuable insights with a confidence and open attitude.The important thing is that parents need to rest assured that they can discuss any pornographic content that accidentally come into contact, and parents will gently explain to them fiction and exaggeration of such content.

Resources such as parenting workshops, support groups or consulting services can provide valuable guidance for promoting frank communication and understanding of the family.

People may be understandable for pornographic content that can lead to addiction and sexual assault, but it is important to do not rush to label children and adolescents.To avoid punishment and threats, protect the self -esteem of young people, and promote their correct understanding of sex.

Rather than concluding porn addiction, it is important to realize that these behaviors may change over time.Avoid labels and hints, we can help young people have a more correct understanding of sex.

Foreign studies have shown that due to many factors such as inferiority, family abuse, and social isolation, some teenagers may be more likely to have this problem.Understanding these factors will help customize help and intervention measures for disadvantaged adolescents to solve their specific needs.

Avoid blame and humiliation

To communicate with youth effectively, we should avoid taking extreme methods, such as improving their voice, blame, and humiliation.Although all aspects of supervising children's online activities are extremely challenging, parents can create a good digital environment by participating in and using tools such as and using website filters.

Parents can guarantee their children that these measures are not to infringe their privacy, but to protect and ensure their safety in this digital age.By promoting frank communication and instilling sense of responsibility, parents can help their children browse the complex digital world with a self -confidence and perspective.

Although some websites require individuals to disclose their age, these age verification measures often flow on the surface, allowing young people to bypass these measures and obtain explicit content.Some social media platforms are also constantly developing to display such content to increase views.

Parents can actively supervise their children's Internet usage, discuss potential dangers, and consider installing filtering software to limit their children to browse bad content.In addition, using "nanny surveillance" software can help track websites that children access.

It is important that parents should educate their children not to share their personal information online, avoid communicating with strangers online, and do not send inappropriate pictures to reduce the risk used by online predators or online bullyEssence

This dialogue should continue and be frank between parents and children.This can also prevent young people from asking for help with peers who may receive errors.

For the parents of young children, it is very helpful to pay attention to some signs that the child is facing pornography or sex.These signs include: behavior becomes sneaky, spend too much time to hide in the room alone, change academic performance, emotional fluctuations, do not participate in social activities of friends and family members, and excessively indulge in digital equipment.

Although we did find that parents bring their children to the School of Psychological Health because they are worried that their children will see too much pornographic content, but this behavior can be attributed to several potential factors mentioned earlier.We will not label young people.Clinicians will try to understand the potential problems involved and deal with it with a sensitive attitude.Parents will also participate in counseling work and subsequent development.

Teachers and school counselors can play a role outside the existing sex education courses. When talking with students, they can discuss topics such as pornography and sex in a sensitive and appropriate way.Although schools and government agencies have formulated some plans for these issues, more extensive problems involving parents and social education must be solved.

Similarly, community service agencies or institutions facing young people can also seize opportunities and formulate plans that are specifically aimed at educating young people on healthy life.

For young people, especially adolescents, create a free communicationThere is no sense of threatening environment.Adults who are trustworthy, such as parents, family members, teachers and counselors who support them, allow them to seek suggestions and guidance, which will help achieve this goal.

In addition, the community's professional youth service agencies can provide valuable support and resources to ensure that young people have necessary support networks, allowing them to confident and calmly spend this important stage of life.

If the person you know shows signs of compulsive porn consumption, and has the affected situation or dysfunction of academic achievements, it is important to seek professional help.This behavior is the manifestation of compulsive sexual behavivior disorder -it cannot control the obsession with sexual fantasy, sexual impulses, or sexual behavior.

If it is not intervened, it may bring huge pain and disturb all aspects of life, including health, work, interpersonal relationships, and overall well -being.Seeking help and treatment is essential for re -controlling life and promoting a healthier and more fulfilling life.

The author is a senior counselor of the national addiction treatment service

Originally carried the Strait Times

Golden Shun Translation