Source: China News Agency

Author: Li Xiaoyu

"Made in Japan" has been in trouble recently.Following Toyota Motor and Yamaha engine, the Ministry of Land and Transportation inspected the headquarters of the Suzuki Company on the 6th.

Mazda and Honda will also face similar examinations.Japanese officials say that 38 models of 38 models of Toyota, Mazda, Yamaha engine, Honda, and Suzuki have certified violations.

Toyota President (Chairman) Toyota Zhangnan said at a press conference that fraud is the "principle issue" of shaking the certification system.Lin Fangzheng, the chief of the Japanese cabinet official house, also said that this has damaged the reputation of the Japanese automotive industry.

Considering that the automotive industry is one of the most important economic pillars in Japan, the influence of the car company scandal on the economy of Japan cannot be ignored.

According to the latest statistics from the Japanese Automobile Dealer Association and the Japanese Small Vehicle Association, as of May, the sales volume of new Japanese cars has decreased year -on -year for the fifth consecutive month.

Affected by the scandal, the shipments of six models of Toyota, Mazda, and Yamaha engine have been stopped.According to the estimation of the Japanese Nomura Institute of Comprehensive Research, if the shipment is stopped for 4 months, the GDP of Japan (GDP) may decrease by about 98.4 billion yen (S $ 850 million).If the loss of the affiliated industry is considered, Japan's GDP is expected to reduce about 244.1 billion yen.

The current prospect of the Japanese economic recovery is not optimistic.In the first quarter, Japan's actual GDP decreased by 0.5%month -on -month, and the annual rate of calculation decreased by 2.0%. After the fourth quarter of last year, negative growth appeared, and the decrease exceeded market expectations.

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecast in April this year, the actual GDP growth rate of Japan in 2024 is expected to be 0.9%, only about half of 2023, lower than the world average and the average level of developed countries.

In this case, the automotive industry scandal may make the Japanese economy that has become weak.

The far -reaching problem on Japan's economy may be that the "Made in Japan" halo seems to have faded.

In recent years, Japanese manufacturing companies have repeatedly reported illegal, fraud and quality and safety scandals.In March last year, Toyota Automatic Weaving Company, a subsidiary of Toyota Group, was found to have data fraud in the tail gas test of the forklift engine.At the end of last year, Japan ’s Dafa Industrial Corporation was found 174 illegal operations and was forced to suspend its shipments in all models produced at home and abroad.

In April this year, IHI, a large -scale heavy industrial company in Japan, who produced jet engines and nuclear power generation equipment, announced that its subsidiary IHI original motivation had tampered with the fuel data of ships and land engines, involving 4,361 engines involved.

In addition, a well -known producer of a well -known gastrointestinal medicine "Zhenglu Pill" has been exposed to the lack of production composition, and continuously tampered with the drug test data for 30 years.Another well -known pharmaceutical company Xiaolin Pharmaceutical produced in red song component health products also caused a number of consumers to be damaged by health.

Some analysts believe that the deep reasons for the continuous scandal of Japanese manufacturing enterprises are in the context of the increasingly fierce competition in the global market, the rise of multi -country manufacturing, and the speed of technological update, it is difficult to effectively respond to market changes.Traditional advantages in electronics and other fields are no longer prominent or even surpassed.If this scandal cannot be adjusted in time, the Japanese economy can be boosted or more difficult.