If Singapore cannot be avoided on the "road of democracy must" where political parties rotate, or the ruling party is no longer unique, can our current good administration be maintained?How to maintain it?

The Housing and Development Bureau, known as the "Father of Singapore Planning" and the former director of the Urban Reconstruction Bureau, Liu Taige (although he did not accept this reputation), published a title entitled "The wonderful speech of urban planning and Chinese culture.

In this extensive knowledge, profound but profound speech, Liu Taege generously shared with hundreds of audiences to share his more than 60 years and more than 70 urban spaces, house construction and urban planning in group houses, house construction and urban planningThe valuable experience accumulated in the side, as well as the fruitful planning projects at home and abroad, and summarized their experiences to refine some unique and unique views from them, and summarize some clear and easy -to -understand planning and design concepts, so that our laymen can also from intellectuality and in terms of intellectuality andAt the level of emotional, there is a more comprehensive concept of the seemingly profound major and its relationship with culture and art, and has a more in -depth understanding of the urban environment in which we live.

Mr. Liu has a wide range of topics and is very rich in content. I don't intend to repeat it here.However, I noticed that he described them as "rare planning laboratories" when telling the two important legal institutions that shaped Singapore's residential environment when the Housing and Development Bureau and the Urban Reconstruction Bureau shaped the living environment of Singapore.

"Experiment" is a scientific research method, the purpose is to test hypothesis, verify theory, and seek answers by adjusting and controlling one or more independent variables to find the optimal solution.In most cases, it must be carried out under strict control to produce meaningful results.

Social Science Experiment

The external conditions of natural science experiments are easier to control, but Liu Taige conducted a major social science experiment in the Housing and Urban Construction Bureau.First of all, he must plan according to many independent "variables", such as the hard data such as population, land, economy, economy, housing, employment, income, etc., and the trend of population growth provided by sociologists, social overview, social overview, and social overview, and social overview, and social overview, and social overviews, and social overviews, and social overviews, and social overviews, and social overview, and social overview,People's current housing demand and the expectations of the future living environment and other aspects of investigation and research data, urban planning is carried out according to professional theories and strict methods.

However, if it is lacking, it is a favorable and controllable and stable external conditions, this experiment that is related to "people" rather than "things" cannot be performed, or it will not produce valuable results.

For urban planning "experiments", this most important "external condition" is the political environment.

From Mr. Liu's speech, we learned that his "experiment" can succeed and government support is indispensable.First of all, in order to implement the "residential house" policy, the government has formulated a powerful land acquisition law, allowing the housing bureau to let go of the land according to actual needs. On the one hand, the slums can be cleared.In addition to the basic housing demand, many cities that have been fully developed and self -sufficient have also been successfully developed, forming Singapore's unique housing style, which is well -known.

In addition, "professional planning is not subject to political intervention" is also a favorable external condition.In his speech and questioning, Liu Taige once repeatedly emphasized that enlightened politicians should understand the importance of the intellectual planning plan, let the professional planners do it without free political intervention.He believes that the founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew is such a visionary politician who does not interfere with his work nor requires him to deliberately build any iconic buildings for Singapore.The biggest hero.I remember in an interview that Li Guangyao was the real "father of Singapore planning."

With the enlightened politicians and the stable political environment, the two important external conditions, plus "practicing true kung fu, serving the city's mentality as the city, waiting patiently for results" (Liu Taige's requirements for himself)The planner's conscientious implementation of the national policy and the overall development of the government's development. Singapore's "urban planning experiment" can succeed and win international reputation, which is by no means accidental.

Living Laboratory

In fact, Liu Taige, his seniors and juniors, and the "planning laboratory" that the entire team worked hard, is only part of the laboratory in various fields in Singapore.

I don't know when it starts, Singapore has been described as a "Living Lab", and this title is becoming more and more widely used at home and abroad.

For example, in an article in 2016 in an article in 2016, American Popular Science Magazine Science Americans are directly subject to the title of "Singapore: A Smart Living Laboratory".Local examples are more: "Singapore: Greenbiz 2014" (Greenbiz 2014), "Singapore is very suitable for living laboratories for smart city solutions" (OpenGOV Asia 2017), "Singapore Hope to becomeThe "Living Laboratory '" Live Laboratory' "(Foreign Minister Wei Wen, 2021)," Global Development, Singapore College School can play the role of "Living Laboratory" to promote innovation programs for future cities.Support Singapore to deal with future challenges. If a city country without hinterland can achieve low carbon or carbon neutralization, this can also inspire the world. "

Minister of Health Wang Yikang (then Minister of Education) in 2018 (then Minister of Education) had a good interpretation of this concept in a special speech.He delivered a long speech entitled "Singapore: The Living Labing Lab" in a large -scale international rally of the "Singapore Fintech Festival" as a director of the Financial Administration.

He said: "The entire existence of as a city country is attributed to such an attitude: we are ready to perform experiments, we are open to various ideas, we try solutions that others may have not tried.How do we build our armed forces to ensure sufficient water resources, control traffic congestion, promote race harmony, and provide public housing methods -we learn from others, learn lessons, and try new solutions.Try it once.

"This makes us a living laboratory. This is a complicated, advanced, strict management but business -friendly environment. You can let things work here.Feasible.

He is right, the "experimental spirit" has been integrated into our blood, and the purpose of the experiment is to find the best solution to further optimize Singapore's good rule.

Liangzhi Laboratory

In fact, it can be said that the entire Singapore can be said to be a "good governance laboratory".

Singapore's "small and controllable", political stability and efficient governance, enables it to experiment with various socio -economic policies, urban planning and social management models.At the same time, the government actively responds to the attitude of new challenges (unlike many countries to avoid or delay) and pay attention to innovation, which makes the entire experimental field full of vitality and can flexibly respond to various assumptions based on the latest situation. Various assumptions.Putting a solution.Facts have proved that some new ideas and policies and modesFormation, after the implementation, trial, observation, and verification of our "little red dot", we have adopted or imitated for many countries and cities to apply it in a wider range.

Our successful experiments show to the world that this area is only more than 700 square kilometers, which are both cities and the country's Paul small island. In the case of limited land and lack of natural resources, how to make 6 million frequent lives and flow population have the population of the population.In addition to the decent living environment, it also provides enough educational environment and medical system that is sufficient to support and improve their economic and livelihood functions and sufficient water sources, improve the quality of life, and maintain a healthy ecological environment and medical system., Protecting safe military bases and training fields.More importantly, all of this is arranged so well, organized, and exquisite.

More than 60%of the global population will live in the city by 2030 (the prediction of the UN "UN Urbanization Prospects")., Especially in terms of providing livable, resolving water sources, and preventing environmental deterioration.

However, the world we live in is not static, and the changing challenges are coming one after -ending -geopolitics deterioration, globalization and decoupling chain, extreme climatic normalization, rapid population, populist rise, great popularity, great popularityThe threat of the disease, the paradigm transfer that artificial intelligence may bring, etc., are unprecedented new variables, bringing great interference. In the past, the success mode of success may not be used, and many experiments must be repaid.

But the emergence of new challenges or new variables is not new. For Singapore, challenges and changes are the constant normal. We are used to it and cope with them one by one.The most recent challenge is undoubtedly a crown disease epidemic, which allows Singapore to face a huge test. As a result, we defeated the epidemic with beautiful achievements and extremely low mortality rates. In addition to the government's efficiency and decisiveHigh trust is also important.In this Liangzhi experiment, which is mainly led by the fourth -generation leader, Singapore has successfully succeeded.

A wide survey conducted by more than 20,000 adults of more than 20,000 adults in 19 countries in 2022 in 2022 shows that 75%of Singaporeans think that the country is more united after the epidemic.; 74%of the Singaporeans believe that the country's effective response to the epidemic reflects the strengths of the political system, and the ratio is also topped. In response to the people's evaluation of the country's resistance work, 88%of Singaporeans have reported that the country has done well in this regard, and the ratio is the ratio.It is also the highest.

This survey is an important affirmation of Singapore's democratic politics that has been constantly criticized in the West.

The situation of many other countries, the success of Singapore's governance and the experience of victory over the epidemic clearly show that behind the "good governance" is "good politics", it is difficult to have good governance without good politics.

"Deep conspiracy" and "conspiracy" and "long -term counting" are the basis for long -term planning and overall considerations, but if there is no political stability, predictability of policies, and the trust of the people who sincerely serve the people, the people's trust, etc.They are all luxury goods that "can't afford".For most governments that must face voters every four or five years, whether they can achieve the voices during the campaign period are often a big question mark, let alone long -term planning for the well -being of the future generations.

We are glad that independence has always enjoyed such a good government. Is it possible to sustain?How long does it last?

Singapore's good politics seems to be based on "one -party independence" and "no political party rotation", so it enjoys long -term political stability and predictability of policies.The transition of power has been carried out three times so far, all of which are smoothly and smoothly transferred under the party's party's democracy.Although the characteristic of Singapore's characteristic of "result justice" is often questioned and criticized by the West, the "Democratic Summit" initiated by President Bayeng never invited us, but he handed over a beautiful transcript in various good governance experiments.The well -being of the economy, society, people's livelihood, law and order, and the environment that we brought to us is obvious to all aspects and internationally recognized.

But who can guarantee that one -party independent or no party rotation is "sustainable"?Looking at the world, under the rise of foreign intervention and populism, the political instability caused by frequent alternation of regimes is already the norm, especially those countries with poor governance and social injustice.

If Singapore cannot be avoided on the "road of democracy must" where political parties rotated, or the ruling party is no longer unique, can our current good politics be maintained?How to maintain it?

Whether Singapore's Liangzhi experiments can continue to succeed, and finally depend on the experiment of good politics.This may also be the unique experiment in the world.

The experiment has not yet been completed, and the compatriots still have to work hard.

The author is the editor -in -chief of the United Morning Post