Bleeding and damage are always a pity; there is no justice and legitimate ending after so many blood. To stop more bleeding and damage in the future, it will be a greater real tragedy.

Recently, we can see various reports and comments on the war between Ukraine and Gaza almost every day.Russia's "special military operations" in Ukraine have been more than two years. The soldiers of both soldiers and the Ukraine were suffering heavy casualties, and their property losses were numerous.

In early June, the author has received the official notification of "Israel in the war" for more than 240 days, and continuously mentioned huge casualties with Fang.There are as many as five digits.By the way, the work ability and effectiveness of the Ministry of Health seems to be in the same way: the entire Gaza Strip is flying, and the blockade is tightly. Almost all of them have been occupied by the Israeli army.Essence

It happened that the two international battlefields in the same area were in the same time, and it naturally affected countless people's hearts.Is it true to see a large number of people's casualties and indifferent?The "onlooker" calls for peace to cease the fire to stop the voices of bleeding, so naturally it will come and fall: from countless articles, speeches, declarations to many streets and campuses in Europe and the United States to protest -some not only emotional excitement, but also causeBetting on limbs and community tears.If there are Russian retreat, there are Israel ceasefire.

In Shangri -La dialogue just ended, Major General Xu Hui of China also publicized the "advise" President Zelei, who participated in the conference, to cherish the life value of the people of the country and not to fight again.It is slightly different from the various ridicule of General Xu on the Internet. The author feels that calling for a ceasefire is completely correct; of course, if he can also "advise" the other parties of the two battles, especially the Hamas leaders, the sameTo cherish the value of the people of the country, it may be logically consistent.

Is the battle between the Ukrainian war and Gaza?In order to live and peace, should Kiev and Moscow stop on the spot; Should Israel cease the fire immediately with Hamas?The key to answering these questions seems to be two: how to view life and how to valuation peace.I do n’t have any talents, so I will teach you a little about it.

The life of a person is self -evident, which is the most human rights, and it is also the basic goal and starting point of all human behavior.In 1776, the "unprecedented rights" listed in the American Declaration of Independence were "life, freedom, and pursuit of happiness"; and in the three, only life is a value that can be absolutely measured.Protecting life is a major basic indicator of governing the country and foreign policy, especially in a democratic society.However, in order to be safe and prosperous in life, humans must continue to continue to succeed and sacrifice their lives: from community security, construction engineering, migration and survival to the earth and space exploration, and even various international competition and war.Bourkley, Athens more than 2400 years ago, pointed out in his handed down funeral speech that democratic society must also continue to weigh and take risks and sacrifice life for the high goal.

People as organisms are raw and equal; within the same country, they should also be legally treated.However, internationally, because people subordinate and listen to different national governments under different social and political systems and cultural norms, their values ​​and behaviors vary from each other.It is determined that different politics and different cultures are equally advantageous and disadvantages. Their claims and requirements are equivalent, either confused or malicious; often out of a kind of so -called "Earthman" moral superiority.It is quite different.For example, according to the author, college students who support Hamas support Hamas rarely are willing to accept Hamas law to settle in Gaza; people who are against the United States and the United States are mostly dismissing the US dollar, immigrating to Europe and the United States, and immigrating to Europe and the United States.Not Russia.Indeed, in Europe and the United States Anti -Washington and Anti -Traviv in Israel, compared to the Russian Anti -Kremlin and in Gaza Anti -Hamas, the risk and price are a few magnitude magnitude, and the scenery and achievements may have a few more magnitude magnitudes.Essence

There are countless people who died in history in history. Some are dedicated to protecting family members and homes and seeking human progress.Often becomes unknown, so -called necessary or even unnecessary innocent "attached" victims.Fortunately, according to scholars' research, compared with the civil war of various countries, people who were killed by international war were not only limited, but also decreased.Interestingly, the stronger the power of the weapon, the more powerful the wars and injuries are reduced;Essence

Strong weapons must be in the hands of the subject

In fact, the most natural death in human history is related to evil politics, internal fighting, and low -tech weapons: from the medieval European meat grinding machine -like religious war, Tiemu True cavalry, etc.The next ethnic extinction, the "World Empire" such as the Tang Dynasty or the collapse of Inca, as many as half or more population died, and by the Taiping Army in the 19th century, the Great Famine and Great Washing of some countries in the past century, and so on.The specific recent examples are: the world's record of large -scale massacre in the late 20th century, Khmer Rouge and Rwanda, are all internal fighting, and they are mainly used with large sword spears and a little pistol rifle.

In terms of reality and logic, although it may be a bit violated, international competition and large -scale lethal weapons (and collective fear of these weapons power) jointly reduce the death of artificially.Of course, the stronger the latest military technology, the more it is necessary to master the technology in the hands of effective restrictions and reliable restrictions.

Whether in China or internationally, peace has always been the values ​​of the common people in the East and Western people, and it is a major goal of human politics.Confucius and almost at the same time have advocated "harmony".But peace is not priceless; the different costs and methods of realizing and maintaining this ideal value are essential for the overall health and prosperity of human civilization.People need order and peace, and they also need justice and competition.Just as the famous saying of the United States Civil Rights Movement Martin Luther Kim said: "Without peace, there is no justice, without justice and no peace."Democratic rule of law and diplomatic compromise, or dictatorship and force conquest can bring order and peace, but under different "peacekeeping" methods, other important and even basic value of human beings to maximize the overall, from fairness, efficiency and efficiency and efficiency and efficiency.Innovation to lasting peace, life safety and quality of life, it is really different.

About 752 AD, Du Fu, who was respected by future generations, wrote such an immortal poem:

Hold the bow as the strong, use the arrow as the length.

Shoot the horse first, capture the king first.

Murder is also limited, and the country has its own Xinjiang.

Gou can make invasion of the tomb, how can it be more killed.

In order to live and peace, there is no doubt that the Ukrainian war and the Gagsha war should end as soon as possible; for more and better life and more long -lasting and more peaceful peace, the Ukrainian war and the Gaza war should have a fairness.Wise and reasonable end.Bleeding and destruction are always a pity; there is no justice and legitimate ending after so many blood. To stop more bleeding and damage in the future, it will be a greater real tragedy.Today in the 21st century, human beings should be completely avoided at all.

The author is a professor at the School of International Affairs of Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States