Americans have described China as a troublemaker in the world today, and the Chinese have determined that the troublemaker is a thief who calls the thief.It is difficult for both sides to have a intersection.If the two sides can have a tacit understanding of war, the Asia -Pacific region is expected to continue to maintain peace.

This is the topic of some political elites and scholars in the United States for public debate in the past two months.What stimulated the discussion was an article published in the Magazine of Foreign Affairs on April 10 during the Trump period on April 10.The title of the article is no substitution for Victory.

"The victory is irreplaceable", from the mouth of the famous general MacArthur who was dismissed by the President of Truman during the Korean War in 1951.The complete statement is: the purpose of the war is to win, not to delay.In the war, there is nothing to replace victory.The author of the article is Matthew Pottinger (Chinese names) and Mike Gallagher, both of which are against China.Sanctions.At this time, the two published this articles full of combat atmosphere. What is the intention and intriguing.

Bo Ming has been a reporter from Western News Agency and newspapers in China for many years. He can speak fluent Chinese. Trump was a deputy national security consultant during the White House.Gragell was a former chairman of the China House of Representatives Special Committee and Republican Party. In March of this year, he successfully promoted the House of Representatives to pass a bill to demand that the bytes of Chinese technology companies were diverted from TIKTOK within six months, otherwise it would be forbidden to prohibit the prohibition.The video platform operates in the United States.In February this year, he also visited Taiwan with cross -party members of Congress.

The meaning of

The title of the article is clear, that is, the United States must win in confrontation with China.It is worth noting that the two people have made suggestions on how to defeat China.First of all, they characterized China as the initiator of the chaotic international situation, saying that Beijing was implementing a series of actions worldwide, aiming to disintegrate the Western world, and replaced it with an anti -democratic order.

They accused the Bayeon government from thawing in the short term with China, and the cost was sacrificed for long -term victory.What the United States should do is not management with China, but to defeat China.The United States should imitate Reagan's approach to the Soviet Union, push down the wall of China's Internet (fire prevention), and provide real information for the Chinese; increase defense expenditure, from the current GDP (GDP) of 3%, increase to 4%or even 5%;拨款200亿美元专门处理台湾问题,并成立一个“威慑基金”,用于武装防御台湾,同时用以保证美国恢复在亚洲的主导地位,加强美军在印太地区的存在;扩大限制美国资金与Technology flows to high -tech enterprises in China should not only restrict the semiconductor field, but also limits in quantum computing, biotechnology, etc., but also cultivate the next generation of Cold War soldiers.

Simply put, the United States has to defeat the mainland government as much as possible and suppress China. Basic discussions refer to the fascinating errors of the tender government's policies for China.This kind of combat attitude arouses some people's anxiety and refutation, including: Rush Doshi, deputy senior director of China and Taiwan, who left the National Security Council in March this year, Jessica Chen Weiss, Jessica Chen,James B. Steinberg, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) senior analyst Paul Heer, etc.They basically defended Byndun's policy against China.

Du Rusong believes that the two authors advocate giving up the competition in control and adopting direct confrontation and waiting for the mainland government to fall, which will inevitably upgrade the risk to get out of control.Bai Jiexi also believes that the proposal of the two authors will lead to the most dangerous confrontation in the Cold War.But they still insisted on their point of view when they responded.In general, the debate did not exceed the scope of the special articles of foreign affairs magazines in 2019.

Kan and Sha's claims are: Competition Without Catastrophe, they discuss how the United States challenges China, and at the same time coexist, because the surrounding is not a way, nor can they not be able to do it, or they cannot.Delicate China will collapse like the Soviet Union.This should be the most actual idea. Basically, it is the strategy that is now pursuing the competition and disobey against the enemy. It denies Reagan's approach to the Soviet Union, because they realize that China is not the Soviet Union and the Cold War thinking is unreasonable.Bo Ming and Garrat jumped out of the golden drums at this time, and murdered, it could not help but make people guess many motivations.

Although there are some different views on how to deal with China's approach, the two groups believe that the United States must deal with China's basic views consistent.This is also what the general observers say that no matter which faction is in policies, it will not change the policy of China in essence.It is impossible for Sino -US relations to return to the past.It is just that if Trump, who has a strong temperament, returns to the White House, Sino -US relations are more likely to have some unexpected twists and turns.

China and the United States have recently attended the 21st Shangri -La dialogue held in Singapore. The two sides held the sideline meeting dialogue, but according to observation, the positions of the two sides remain unchanged in hot topics.U.S. Defense Secretary Austin emphasized in his speech that the Indo -Pacific region is still the "Priority theater of Operations" in the Indo -Pacific region. "Maintaining the safety and prosperity of the region is still the core operation principle of US national security policy."He also said, "Only Asia is safe, the United States will be safe ..."

The United States currently adopted in the Asia -Pacific region is not the past radiation relationship, but the concept of Austin's so -called "Convergence".More capable partnership networks, and define a new era of Indo -Pacific security.Chinese military representatives responded that the Indo -Pacific strategy of the United States was to integrate small circles into the Asia -Pacific version of NATO, thereby maintaining the United States -led hegemony.In other words, the names are different, and the essence of the siege and the essence of China is unchanged.

Judging from the speech of China Defense Minister Dong Jun, China ’s position on the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait seems to have become harder.When it comes to the South China Sea issue, he did not name it: "With the incitement of individual countries, under the incitement of external forces, destroying the bilateral agreement, violating his own commitments, premeditated to provoke a matter of incidents, create false elements, mislead audiovisual, and even regard the region regardless of the region.The overall interests of the country violate the spirit of the ASEAN (Asia Delica) Charter, and cooperate with external forces to deploy medium -range missiles in the region.He warned that China remained restrained against the infringement in the South China Sea, but this was limited.

On both sides of the strait, Dong Jun said without saying that external interference forces are constantly blurring and hollowing out a China principle in a way of cutting sausages, making the Taiwan -related bill, insisting on selling martial arts in Taiwan, illegal official exchanges between official exchanges and interchanges"This is actually to promote Taiwan independence, and make conspiracy to make China. These sinister intentions are leading Taiwan to danger."It is self -evident who external interference forces refer to who is.

Americans say that China is the troublemaker of the world today, and the Chinese have determined that the troublemaker is a thief called a thief.It is difficult for both sides to have a intersection.Nevertheless, it is always good to be able to talk to and maintain communication channels directly.The importance of the two countries in Xianghui stated that the importance of maintaining communication was also the minimum number of the two major powers to undertake the Asia -Pacific peace heavy responsibility.If the two sides can continue to maintain a competitive relationship that does not break, and if there is no war that cannot occurIn tacit understanding, the Asia -Pacific region is expected to maintain peace.However, there are still a lot of variables in the future of Sino -US relations. In November, the US presidential election will be a node. As a result, how can we determine the US policy direction? We can only wait and see.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress