Source: China News Agency

Author: Chen Kangliang

As a "big dividend" that has attracted much attention, China A -share listed banks have recently optimized dividends. Many banks intend to start the mid -term dividend plan to increase the frequency of dividends.

The latest example comes from China Minsheng Bank.Recently, the bank issued an announcement saying that according to the financial report in the first half of the 2024 review, the current performance was reasonably considered. In the first half of 2024, the company plans to implement the mid -term dividend and dividend payable in 2024.The total amount of cash dividend in mid -2024 accounted for not more than 30%of the company's net profit attributable to the company's current shareholders' net profit.When the profit distribution plan for 2024 will be formulated in the future, the amount of medium -term profit distribution that has been distributed will be deducted.

It is worth noting that this is the first listed joint -stock commercial bank to start the mid -term dividend plan.Since the beginning of this year, the number of listed banks that have launched the mid -term dividend plan have been increasing.According to media statistics, at least 15 listed banks have passed the board resolutions or shareholders' meeting resolutions related to the mid -term dividend arrangement.Among them, ICBC, Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank, Bank of China, Bank of Communications, Postal Savings Bank and other six state -owned banks have all put mid -term dividends to the agenda.

Taking the Bank of Communications as an example, the bank previously announced that the Bank of Communications attaches great importance to investor returns, and the cash dividend rate of 12 consecutive years exceeds 30%.In order to further implement the guidance of regulatory policies, enable investors to share the company's development dividends in a timely manner, and enhance investors' sense of gain. The company plans to implement mid -term dividends in 2024.

In the view of Chen Shaoxing, an analyst of Xingye Securities, A -share listed banks actively put forward the medium -term dividend plan, mainly to implement the new "State Nine Articles" (the State Council on strengthening supervision and prevention risks to promote the high -quality development of the capital market)Regarding policy requirements for strengthening dividends.

The new "National Nine Articles" introduced in April this year clearly proposes that it will enhance the stability, persistence and predictability of dividends, and promotes multiple dividends, pre -dividends, and dividends before the Spring Festival.

Chen Shaoxing believes that if the A -share listed bank in 2024 is implemented smoothly, it is expected to enhance the stability and sustainability of listed banks, strengthen investor expectations, and further promote funds with dividends as the purpose of enrollment., Overview of the bank sector.

It is worth noting that some investors believe that if it is simply increased the frequency of dividends, the proportion of dividends or the total amount of dividends remains unchanged, the implementation of the medium -term dividend plan may not be significant.

In this regard, Ma Xiangyun, an analyst at Changjiang Securities, did not agree.Ma Xiangyun said that increasing the frequency of dividend is of great significance.From the perspective of the liquidity of investment returns, even if the annual dividend amount remains unchanged, the higher -frequency dividend returns will bring high liquidity value and stronger cash flow.In addition, medium -term dividends are also conducive to investors more stable, long -term holding bonus bank stocks, and supporting the stock price of listed banks.

Minsheng Securities analyst Yu Jinxin said that in recent years, the proportion of dividends in A -share listed banks has basically stabilized at about 29%, and the dividend stability is high.On this basis, the increase in dividend frequency is conducive to investors to enjoy the development bonus of listed banks earlier.

According to media statistics, except for the Zhengzhou Bank, the remaining 41 A -share listed banks have disclosed the 2023 profit distribution plan. Most listed banks have remained stable in 2023.Among them, the amount of dividends of the six major national banks will exceed 410 billion yuan (S $ 78.2 billion) for the first time, a record high; the dividend ratio of many banks exceeds 30%, and the proportion of China Merchants Bank and Lanzhou Bank is the highest, both of which are 35%, all of which are 35%.Essence