Lai Qingde's inauguration speech is full of tough "Taiwan independence", radical "Taiwan independence", and legal "Taiwan independence" position, which is more avant -garde and more public than Tsai Ing -wen.Once put into action, the Taiwan Strait will inevitably change, and conflicts and confrontation are inevitable.

On the morning of May 20, Lai Qingde said in his inauguration that in order to cope with "various threats from China", "must show the determination to guard the country" and "actively implement the four pillars of peace."When he met with the President's inauguration ceremony in the afternoon, he reiterated that he promoted the "four pillar action plans of peace".

The "Four Pillars of Peace" was first released on July 5, 2023. Lai Qingde's signed article on the Wall Street Journal of the United States to defend the peace plan of the Taiwan Strait.The next day, he attended the Explanation of the Foreign Ambassador to Taiwan, and personally used English to make a briefing from more than 40 and 30 countries in Taiwan to interpret the "four pillars of peace".

Comprehensive Lai Qingde's expression on the "four pillars of peace" on different occasions, the main points are:

1. Strengthen military deterrence.Improve the awareness of the nation of the national security and the country's legal system; promise to accelerate Taiwan's defense transformation, strengthen the asymmetric combat power of cost benefits, agility and survival, and imply that the mainland will pay a greater cost of war;The legislation of the Security Supplementary Diplier Act provides additional security assistance to the Indo -Pacific area, implying that it is equivalent to paying a large amount of military fire from the United States, which is equivalent to paying protection fees.On the afternoon of May 20, when former US Deputy Secretary of State Amtic met with Lai Qingde, he appreciated Taiwan's current military reform, hoping to assist Taiwan to maintain self -defense capabilities.

2. Improve economic security.Invest in frontier technology such as quantum computers, robots, Yuan universe, and precision medical care, focusing on the development of five major trust industries such as semiconductor, artificial intelligence, military industry, security control, and next generation of communication; consolidate Taiwan's "global democratic supply chain"Important trade partners reached bilateral and multilateral agreements; reduced unnecessary control to encourage investment, promote Taiwan to become an island of artificial intelligence, Asian centers with drone democratic supply chains, and the economic day does not fall into the country;Reduce the dependence on the trade of the mainland.

Three, promote value diplomacy.It is believed that Taiwan is the highlight of the world's democratic chain. It promises that "not affected by foreign forces (implies the mainland) to strengthen democracy"; further connect Taiwan's future with global democratic society, establish partnership with global democratic countries; seek to find with alliesBetween further exchanges and cooperation, identify and counterattack fake information, strengthen democratic toughness; form a "democratic community" and "peaceful community" in Taiwan, and fight against the "human destiny community" of the mainland.

Four, maintain the status quo on both sides of the strait.The first task of showing stable and principled leadership is to "maintain pragmatic and consistent", which implies that the DPP pursues Taiwan independence.; Believe that maintaining the status quo on both sides of the strait is in line with the best interests of "Taiwan of the Republic of China" and the international community; avoiding the fact that the mainland is most concerned about the ninety -two consensus based on the principles of the first China, it is essentially denied;In advance, talk to the mainland.

The "maintaining status quo" on both sides of the strait, but the definition is completely different.For Lai Qingde, Taiwan is already a sovereign independent country, and there is no war on both sides of the strait. It is the status quo. For the mainland, the mainland and Taiwan belong to the same part of China and Taiwan.

Available on cross -strait confrontation must be upgraded

"Taiwan's Independence State" is the goal of the DPP's dream. In 1991, the Taiwan Independence Party and 1999 Taiwan's future resolutions were not concealed.Double constraints.After repeatedly touched the US -China and Red Line, they explored the four steps of "Taiwan Independence": the first step "Republic of China" (tied with the People's Republic of China), the second step "Taiwan of the Republic of China", the third step "Taiwan"The fourth step of the final target "Taiwan Republic", the core concepts correspondThe Republic of China has nothing to do. "Taiwan is a sovereign independent country."

Looking back at the history of successive presidents in Taiwan, in an interview with Voice of Germany on July 9, 1999, Lee Teng -hui positioned cross -strait relations as "special state and state relations", which can be called Taiwan independence version 1.0.Chen Shui -bian was the first president of the DPP. On August 3, 2002, he gave a speech at the 29th Annual Conference of the World Federation of the Township of the World.The then President Bush criticized the "troublemaker".Tsai Ing -wen proposed that "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not affiliated with each other in 2021." In fact, from Chen Shui -bian's "radical Taiwan independence" to "gradual Taiwan independence", it can be called Taiwan independence 3.0.Lai Qingde's inauguration speeches returned to Chen Shui -bian's radical old road, which can be called Taiwan independence version 4.0.

The people on both sides of the strait are all Chinese. The unification of China is not equal to the legal and sovereignty of both sides of the strait.The Constitution of the People's Republic of China is only formally opposed to the "Constitution of the Republic of China", and it does not mean that "China" is divided into two. Both of them are essentially the Constitution of the first China, and both are territorial and sovereignty.

On the afternoon of April 10, Xi Ma Er will be held in Beijing.Xi Jinping said that compatriots on both sides of the strait belong to the Chinese nation; Ma Ying -jeou said that the people on both sides of the strait belong to the Chinese nation and are all descendants of Yan and Huang.The two sides tacitly mentioned only one nation and did not mention one China, and passed goodwill to Lai Qingde.On May 20, the main machine of the main machine did not cross the central line of the Strait, and he conveyed goodwill to Lai Qingde again.

However, Lai Qingde's inaugural speech is full of toughness, radicals, and unique positions. It is more avant -garde and more public than Tsai Ing -wen. There is no goodwill, only hostile, far exceeding external expectations.Although the speech advocates that the "people's interests first" and "the interests of the country are preferred by the interests of political parties", in fact, only the DPP basic market is explained, and the interests of personal interests, the interests of political parties are on the interests of Taiwan, and the mainstream public opinion.Once put into action, the Taiwan Strait will inevitably change, and conflicts and confrontation are inevitable.

On May 20th and 21st, Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Mainland Government and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, attended the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Foreign Minister's meeting in the Asax of Kazakhstan, responded twice to Lai Qingde's inauguration and Taiwan issues, and actively clarified the Chinese side.position.The "Three No" expressions that responded for the first time (a Chinese principle cannot be violated, the "Taiwan independence" split behavior is not feasible, and the general trend of China's unity is irreversible) is an example, there is no new idea and highlight;Named criticism of "Lai Qingde's stream of betrayal of the nation and ancestors is unsatisfactory."Previously, the mainland officials had room for leaving room, and did not name Cai Yingwen, let alone criticized criticism on the day of Tsai Ing -wen.

The Central Taiwan Office of the Mainland Government and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council continued to respond to Lai Qingde's inauguration speech on May 20th and 21st.The inauguration speeches are "a complete Taiwan independence".Obviously, the mainland analysis and studying Lai Qingde's inauguration speech, in just one day, set the tone: completely disappointed and continued to fight against Taiwan independence.

During Lai Qingde's administration, although there was no war on both sides of the strait, it lacked mutual trust and consensus. It was difficult to expect the relationship to improve. It would only be colder.It is expected that the mainland will not give up, and the official exchanges will continue to freeze; the tourist tour and the mainland degree will not be able to go to Taiwan in the short term; Taiwan has no chance to become an observer to attend the WHO meeting during the Ma Ying -jeou period;number.

The Taiwanese side must also be cautious and not given the mainland the opportunity to heavy hands.For example, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States will visit Taiwan, and the mainland will openIf you are out of mind, the probability will take the opportunity to make efforts. Military aircraft warships enter the 12 nautical miles of Taiwan Island. In the future, the cruise is normalized.Cross -strait and neighboring countries had to suffer for four years. After the Kuomintang Mayor Lu Xiuyan, or Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan, he could reshuffle.

The author is a Chinese current affairs commentator