The British Guardian website published an article by Simon Tisder on May 25, entitled to the voices of the war of war in Benjamin Neitanahu, which exposed Western in the WestDouble thinking of morality.The full text is as follows:

The prosecutors of the International Criminal Court decided last week to seek the arrest of Benjamin Neitaniaho in suspicion of war. Israel and the United States leaders were angry about this, which once again revealed an ancient reality: for the decisiveness of mastery of the decisivenessFor the highest level of political power, everyone is equal, but some people are more "equal" than others.

The core of the bold attitude towards Karim Khan's bold move is a self -evident hint that it is believed to be the Palestinian (a group that was deprived of property, marginalized, and basically no right to speak).The violence of violence is not as immoral as the violent behavior of the Israelites (a privilege and protection citizen who is protected by an old nation -state country), or to some extent, it is more acceptable.Proposed objections will be stupid but inevitably accused as resuling.

The anger of the United States and Israeli politicians and some European politicians is full of self -proud anger, which is also disturbing.Hamas's slaughter in October last year was appalling, sin, and unforgivable -must be punished.This cannot prove that Israel's fatal action is too large, illegal, and indifferent.But they don't understand this at all.

Israeli Prime Minister Neitanahu and US President Joe Biden insisted that the leaders of Israel and Hamas also accused Israel and Hamas leading "morality."This is nonsense.As Karim Khan and his expert consultants said, there were "reasonable reasons" that both sides committed serious criminal crimes.All responsible persons must make a defense equally, no matter who they are or maybe.

Neitanahu and his co -defendant, Minister of Defense Joe Garrant may think they are over the law -especially on the international law they contempt.Perhaps they believe that when the occupation of the Palestinian region, Israel is also on the law.This is undoubtedly the impression of their army's unscrupulous behavior in Gaza.

Surprisingly, although the population of Western leadership says that it is necessary to maintain democracy and rule -based international order, they cannot recognize the concept of equal equality before the law.Biden's response was not logical, almost bizarre.Biden condemned the arrest of the two Israelis (rather than Hamas leaders) 's initiative.

As a well -trained lawyer, the highest -level US diplomat Anthony Brinken should understand the matter.Most countries in the world recognize the status of Palestine.Spain, Ireland and Norway have just joined them.Regardless of what Brintken said, the International Criminal Court has judicial jurisdiction in Gaza.The Palestinians should not wait for the courts that Israel regardless of principles to investigate.Based on past experience, they do wait a long time.

Neitanahu and his aggressive spokesman continued to praise the Israeli defense army as "the most moral army in the world."They claimed that they did not provide evidence that it worked more than any other country in history to avoid hurting civilians.Although Israel has comprehensively restricted independent investigations and reports, the world is not blind.

Only by the pride and ignorance of Israeli countries can they explain why they can tolerate the long -term brutal behavior model of Israel.British Prime Minister Sonak said that the International Criminal Court of Criminal Court was "very helpful."What was he thinking about?Try to curb the heavenly killing behavior "has no help"?Seeking justice "No help"?This is not morality.This is a downright moral confusion.

Some people in Israel do understand this.The left -leaning Land News said that the more serious strategic failure prompted the International Criminal Court to take action."Israel launched a legitimate war ... It started extensive international support at first. But because of poor management of this war, coupled with the ruthlessness and extreme stupidity of the current government, Israel has become a global pariah." Neitanahu may count on the defendant of Hague.But can he be sure?Although some Western countries pursue the double standards of Orwell -style, in general, this is a happy week for international justice.(Compiled/Ge Xuelei)