Thailand's geography is close to the "Golden Triangle" of the drug, and domestic drug control has a natural disadvantage.Therefore, when the cost of drug control is increasing, coupled with the promotion of the Poor farmers that advocate economic liberalism and populism, and the poverty -stricken farmers with the Northeast border of Thailand, the Thai government is promoted by the election foundation.The banner of tourism.

Since the implementation of the policy in 2022, a large number of cannabis shops have appeared across Thailand, and the merchants have their own tricks to add marijuana to food and dishes.This brings serious social problems, not only the number of domestic numbers in China increased significantly, but also social problems such as health, medical care, and security that have caused economic benefits.After just more than a year, the Prime Minister of Social Ethics said last year that he would correct the phenomenon of marijuana, because drugs "destroy the future of the country ... Many young people are addicted."

We should still see that in developed western countries, the sinization of marijuana is becoming a trend.The harm of marijuana in modern society was originally an international consensus. As early as the single convention of anesthesia in 1961, marijuana was included in a rigorous list.In 1988, the United Nations banned illegal trafficking anesthesia drugs and psychotropic drugs, reiterating the illegality of planting, production, refining, sales and cross -border transportation.However, since many countries in the West have lost their order than drugs that are worse than marijuana, marijuana is classified as "soft drugs" as "soft drugs" to make renames to provide excuses for open management.

In December 2013, the Uruguay Senate passed the sinization of cannabis planting, sales and consumption with a weak advantage; in October 2018, Canada followed the dust.According to the 2018 World Drug Issues Report released by the UN drug and crime issues (UNODC), cannabis has become the most popular drug worldwide.At least in Europe, at least the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Spanish, Portugal and Italy, etc., are used for sinization of cannabis for entertainment.This also slowly affects other places in Asia and the world.

The scope of

The scope of marijuana is increasingly expanded, and the incompetence and initiative of regulatory departments in various countries have made the deepening or even legalization of from the drug from medicine to entertainment to entertainment, and gradually become a trend.In the process, the government was able to reduce law enforcement expenses, tourism and other commercial interests, but the long -term harm of society has long been concessively concessively in short -sighted behavior that politicians lack decisions.

Even in Europe and the United States, many countries that have gone to the forefront of cannabis and sinization, from the perspective of pure medical science, economic and social management, to many levels of youth education, there are many levels of youth.Many controversy with legalization.From the perspective of the real situations of various countries, not to mention the more complicated scientific and ethical issues of medical cannabis, at least the legalization of cannabis can be regarded as a very irresponsible large -scale public health experiment.The main experiment is the innocent group that is full of curiosity about society, often passionate and regardless of the consequences.

Taking the United States Colorado as an example, according to an annual report, after the state was legalized through entertainment through entertainment in 2014, the number of passengers in the driver's marijuana was increased by 109%.The percentage ratio rose from 15%in 2013 to 23%in 2018; the use of cannabis at the age of 12 and above increased by 58%, 78%higher than the national average; comparedThe number of visions related to marijuana increased by 54%, and the number of hospitalizations related to marijuana increased by 101%; the percentage of suicide incidents positive in marijuana poison science rose from 14%in 2013 to 23%in 2017.

The only benefit is that the revenue of cannabis taxes accounts for about ninety of the 2018 fiscal year budget of Colorado!Considering that smoking has become increasingly not tolerant internationally, the logic behind it is so indulgent, and the logic behind it is really incomprehensible.

The harm of marijuana is not the same as smoking. It is not only the harm to individuals, but the destructive power of social systemic system.Sales are particularly inductive and harmful to young people. Now that social media's attitude towards marijuana is becoming increasingly ambiguous, which seriously affects young people's awareness of cannabis harmfulness.Therefore, even local celebrities like the Olympic gold medalist will not be able to withstand the temptation of fruit.Recently, news reports were used to suck the cannabis. He not only took marijuana, but also took other drugs, but also used drug trafficking to nourish poison.It can be seen that marijuana never is like smoking. It is a problem of personal bad habits. It is indeed a lower threshold drug, but through this threshold, behind it is a deep abyss.

The author is a local literary and historical enthusiast and religious researcher